2010-2011 General Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2010-2011 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty and Staff


Organization of the College




Terms Expire April, 2016

Mike Box, Chairman, Position 3 Levelland
Charles Miller, Secretary, Position 4 Levelland

Terms Expire April, 2012

Alton “Pete” Pettiet, Position 5 Ropesville
Linda Patton, Position 6 Levelland
William Clements, Position 7 Sundown

Terms Expire April, 2014

Bobby Neal, Vice-Chairman, Position 1 Whiteface
Jim Montgomery, Position 2 Levelland


Kelvin W. Sharp, Ed.D. President
Darrell Grimes, M.B.A. Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stephen S. John, M.B.A. Vice President for Institutional Advancement
David Jones, M.Ed. Vice President for Student Affairs
Anthony Riley, M.B.A., C.P.A. Vice President for Finance and Administration


Robbie Max Blair, B.S. Dean of Technical Education
David Conner, M.S. Dean of Students
Yancy Nuñez, M.S. Dean of Arts and Sciences
Andrea Rangel, B.S.Ed. Dean of Admissions and Records
Cathy Mitchell, M.Ed. Dean of Reese Center
Jim Walker, M.P.A. Dean of Continuing and Distance Education


Rafael Aguilera, M.A. Associate Dean of Workforce Development
Christi D. Anderson, M.Ed. Director of Guidance and Couseling
Jim Ann Batenhorst, B.B.A. Director of Financial Aid
Jim Belcher,M.L.I.S., M.B.A.  Director of Libraries
Dennis Churchwell, B.B.A.  Director of Purchasing
Gary Cloud, B.A. Director of Contract Training
Luther E. Cox, Jr., M.A. Associate Dean of Reese Center
Dane Dewbre, M.Ed. Associate Dean of College Relations
Jeri Ann Dewbre, B.S. Director of Human Resources
Urisonya Flunder, M.A. Associate Dean of Students
Julie Gerstenberger, M.A. Director of Development
Teresa Green, B.B.A., C.P.A. Controller
Sue Ann Lopez, M.S.N. Director of Health Occupations
Gail Malone, Ph.D. Director of the Teaching and Learning Center
Cary Marrow, A.A.S. Director of the Physical Plant
Ginger Mulloy Director of the Computer Center
Kimbra Quinn, M.Ed. Director of Enrollment Management
Gracie Quiñonez, M.S. Director of the Plainview Extension Center
Rita Quiñonez-Prieto, M.Ed. Director of the STAR Center
Christopher Riley, M.S. Director of Upward Bound
Andrew Ruiz, M.B.A. Registrar
Lance Scott, M.S. Director of Instructional Technology
Joe Tubb, M.Ed. Director of Athletics
Jack Wardlow, B.A. Associate Dean of Research and Reports
Stan Weatherred, M.S. Director of Student Activities
Tim Winders, M.S. Associate Dean of Information Technology
Joe McDowell, Cert. Campus Police Chief


Philip Anderson, Ed.D. Mathematics and Engineering Department
Cary Banks, B.G.S. Creative Arts Department
Judy Bryant, M.Ed. Physical Education Department
Ron Carden, Ph.D. Social Sciences Department
Ann Gregory, M.Ed. Business Administration/Computer Information Systems Department
Bruce Keeling, D.M.A. Fine Arts Department
Sue Ann Lopez, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing Department
Mollie McCook - Melton, M.Ed. Allied Health Department
Gary Poffenbarger, M.A. English Department
Randy Robertson, M.P.A. Professional Services and Energy Department
Alvin Sechrist, M.S. Business Administration Department and Industrial Technology Department (BMATC)
Peggy Skinner, Ph.D. Behavioral Science Department
John R. Sparks, M.A. Communication Department
Pete Stracener, M.A. Industrial Technology Department
Sam Wages, Ph.D. Biology Department
Jesse Yeh, Ph.D. Science Department


Ben Alexander, M.A. Placement Counselor
Dennis Anderson, M.Ed. Counselor
Katherine D. Anderson, M.L.S. Public Services Librarian
Brandon Awbrey, M.S. Academic Transfer Counselor
Tina Belcher, B.G.S. College Workstudy / Texas Grant Coordinator
Hope Beyer, M.S. Technical Services Librarian
Nanette Blair, B.S. Cashier Coordinator
Julia Brown, M.Ed. Counselor
Terry Busby, A.A.S. Benefits Coordinator
Deborrah Caddell, Ed.D. Coordinator of the Testing and Learning Center
Manuel Cedillo, B.A., M.A. Academic Coordinator, STAR Center
Lisa Cleveland, B.S., M.S. Technical/Access Counselor 
Christina Conner, M.S. Retention Specialist
Valerie Cox, B.S.W., M.S.S.W. Counselor
Philip Daniel, A.A.S. Computer Network Technician
DeEtte Edens, B.A., B.S.N.. R.N. Coordinator of Student Health Services
Stephen Esquivel, B.F.A. Visual Communications Specialist
Deanna G. Findley, A.A.S. Network Technology Specialist
Lynda Foster, B.A. Loan Coordinator
Elizabeth Glass, M.S.L.S., M.S. Librarian
Coby Todd Glenn Network Technician
Todd Gregg Maintenance Supervisor
Lynn Gregory, M.S.W., M.Ed. Special Services Counselor
Jim Hardy, A.A.S. Computer Network Technician
Ann Hebisen, M.L.S. Public Services Librarian
Glenda Hensley, M.Ed. Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Lola Hernandez, B.S.O.E. Scholarship Coordinator
Nicole Jaime, A.A. Emergency Loan Coordinator
Holly LeRoy, B.F.A. Design Communications Specialist
Camille Lewis, M.A. Counselor
Johnny Lopez, B.S. Data Tracking Specialist
Maria Lopez-Strong, M.A. Diversity Coordinator and Technical Counselor
Rosa Ema Maldonado, B.A. Personnel Coordinator
Casey Martin, B.A. Veteran and Financial Aid Coordinator
Adrian L. Mellberg, A.A.S. Web Content Coordinator
Ross Orman, A. S. POISE Support Specialist
Kathryn Perez, B.S.   Recruiter
Allison Perrin, M.S.H.R.  Counselor
Tracey Pineda, M.S. Librarian
Dolores Rodriguez, A.A.S. Poise Support Specialist
Susan Rushing, M.Ed. Placement Counselor
Teresa Salinas, A.A.S. Associate Registrar
Amanda Sims, M.S. Academic Counselor
Ronald Spears, A.A., B.S., M.Ed. Associate Dean of Dual Credit
George Starcher, M.B.A. Instructional Support Specialist
Melissa Strickland, B.G.S. Testing and Assessment Assistant
Wes Underwood, M.S. Communications Specialist /Photographer
Dawn Valles, B.A. Coordinator of Special Services
Vickey Vest, B.S. Payroll Coordinator
Joe Walker, B.S. Sports Information Coordinator
Barbara Webb, B.S. Asst. Coordinator, Testing and Learning Center / TSI Compliance
Karla Welch, B.B.A., C.P.A. Grants Accountant
Eddie Carl Wimberley Network Technician
Juli Wood, M.Ed. Testing Coordinator
Linda Young, B.S. Advising and Testing Assistant

Faculty and Staff

Kelvin W. Sharp

President B.S., Chadron State College; M.A., Ed.D., Texas Tech University

Rafael Aguilera

Associate Dean of Workforce Development B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Benjamin Alexander

Placement Counselor B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Billy Alonzo

Assistant Professor of Radio, Television and Film and Advisor for Texan Radio A.A., South Plains College; B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Jessica H. Alvarado

Instructor in Vocational Nursing A.A.S., South Plains College; Graduate Study, West Texas A&M University

Christi D. Anderson

Director of Guidance and Couseling A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S., M.E., Texas Tech University

Dennis Anderson

Counselor B.S., Hardin-Simmons University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Harold Anderson

Assistant Professor of History  B.A., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio

Katherine D. Anderson

Public Service Librarian M.L.S., University of North Texas

Philip Anderson

Chairperson of the Mathematics and Engineering Department and Professor of Mathematics B.S., Howard Payne University; M.A., Ed.D., Texas Tech University

Susan Anthony

Instructor in Associate Degree Nursing;A.A.S. Augusta College;B.S.N. Medical College of Georgia;M.S.N.MedicalCollege of Georgia.

Jim Archer

Assistant Professor of Psychology B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Hector Armendariz

Upward Bound Academic Coordinator M.A., Texas Tech University

Brandon Awbrey

Academic Transfer Counselor A.S., South Plains College; B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Martin NDI Azese

Instructor of Mathematics and Engineering B.S., M.S., University of Yaounde

 Josh Baker

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Tom Baker

Instructor in Mathematics B.S., Texas Tech University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary

Reva Lynn Baldwin

Associate Professor of Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., South Plains College; R.N., Methodist Hospital School of Nursing; M.S.N., Texas Tech University

Cary Banks

Chairperson of the Creative Arts Department and Assistant Professor of Commercial Music B.G.S., Texas Tech University

Marla Barbee

Associate Professor of Reading B.S., Sul Ross State University; M.Ed, Lesley College in Cambridge; Graduate Study, Sul Ross State University, University of Texas at El Paso, Texas Tech University

Kristi Barker

Assistant Professor of Reading B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Denny Barnes

Program Director and Professor of Radiologic Technology A.S., Concordia Lutheran; B.S.R.T., Midwestern State University; R.T. (R.) (A.R.R.T.), Brackenridge Hospital School of Radiologic Technology

Alicia Barr ^Top

Professor of Psychology B.A., University of Texas-Austin; Ph.D., Arizona State University

Jim Ann Batenhorst

Director of Financial Aid A.A., South Plains College; B.B.A, Texas State University

Wayne Beadles

Instructor in Design Communications A.A.S., South Plains College; B.F.A., Texas Tech University

Chris Beene

Instructor in Physical Education and Track Coach B.S., M.S., Angelo State University

Tina Belcher

College Workstudy Coordinator B.G.S., West Texas A&M University

Jim Belcher
          Director of Libraries B.S. Oklahoma State University;M.B.A. Texas Tech University;M.L.I.S. University of Oklahoma 
Korbi D. Berryhill

Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Vocational Nursing. B.A., Angelo State College; L.V.N., Western State College; R.N. Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, M.S.N. University of Phoenix.

Hope Beyer

Technical Services Librarian A.S., Capital Community College; B.S. Central Connecticut State University; M.S., Simmons College

Jamie Biggers

Program Coordinator and Professor of Business Administration B.B.A., Texas Tech University; M.B.A., University of Texas at Austin; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Robert Bilodeau

Professor of Government and History B.A., University of Dallas; M.A., Northern Illinois University; Graduate Study, University of Arizona

Allison J. Black

Associate Professor of Art B.F.A., M.F.A., Texas Tech University; Undergraduate Study, Virginia Tech

Nanette Blair

Cashier Coordinator B.A., Texas Tech University

Robbie Max Blair

Dean of Technical Education A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S., Lubbock Christian University

Sharon Bogener

Professor of History A.A., South Plains College; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Donald Borba

Instructor in Commercial Music B.S., Utah State University

Victoria Bordelon

Nursing Recruiter and Instructor in Associate Degree Nursing R.N. Diploma, University Hospital School of Nursing.

Bart W. Bradshaw

Assistant Professor of Physical Education, U.I.L. Supervisor  A.S., South Plains College; B.S., West Texas State University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Carol A. Brannan

Assistant Professor of Speech B.A., M.A., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Cynthia A. Brown

Program Coordinator and Professor of Merchandising B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, North Texas State University

Julia Brown

Counselor B.S., Auburn University; M.Ed., Hardin Simmons University

Elise Browne

Department Coordinator, Nursing Department and Associate Professor of Associate Degree Nursing R.N., B.S.N., Montana State University; M.S.N., University of Maryland; Clinical Specialist Maternal Child Health

Judy Gay Brunner

Instructor in Vocational Nursing L.V.N., Lubbock School of Nursing; R.N., Methodist Hospital School of Nursing

Glenda Bryant

Assistant Professor of English B.S., M.A., Texas Tech University

Judy Bryant

Chairperson of the Physical Education Department and Professor of Physical Education B.S., Sul Ross State University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Natalie B. Bryant

Associate Professor of Speech A.A., South Plains College; B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Scott Buchanan

Associate Professor of History B.S., Eastern New Mexico University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Daniel Bunye

Assistant Professor of Government A.A., B.A., M.A.T., University of Florida Graduate Study, University of Florida, Texas Tech University

Kenton J. Burns

Instructor in Law Enforcement Technology A.A.S., Western Texas College; Certificate of Completion, Basic Law Enforcement Academy, Odessa College; B.A.A.S., Midwestern State University

Terry Busby

Benefits Coordinator A.A.S., Western Texas College

Jan Buxkemper

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing R.N., Methodist School of Nursing; B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University

Deborrah Caddell

Coordinator of the Testing and Learning Center B.A., University of Charleston; M.A., West Virginia College of Graduate Studies; Ed.D., Texas Tech University

R. Melbourne Carden

Chairperson of the Social Science Department and Professor of History B.A., Texas Tech University; M.A., New Mexico State University; Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Jessica Carpenter
          Instructor in Vocational Nursing;A.A.S.South Plains College.
Joseph Carr

Associate Professor of Music B.A., North Texas State University

Mike Carraway

Instructor in Commercial Music Undergraduate Study, South Plains College, Texas Tech University

Sandra Carter

Professor of Anatomy and Physiology B.S., D.V.M., Texas A & M University; M.S., Texas Tech University

Patricia Cearley

Professor of English B.A., M.A., University of Texas at Arlington; Ed.D., East Texas State University

Manuel Cedillo

Academic Coordinator, STAR Center B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Dennis Churchwell
          Director of Purchasing A.A.S., Howard College; B.B.A., University of Texas of the Permian Basin 
Wanda Clark

Professor of Psychology and Sociology B.A., Gettysburg College; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Dave Cleavinger

Associate Professor of Agriculture B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Angelo State University

Lisa Cleveland
          Technical/Access Counselor B.S., University of Maryland; M.S., Long Island University
Regina (Jeannie) Coggins

Assistant Professor of Office Technology B.S., Texas Tech University; M.Ed., Sul Ross State University

Michael Coler

Instructor in Technical Graphics and Design A.A.S., University of South Dakota at Springfield; A.A.S., Central Community College at Hastings, Nebraska; B.S.T., University of South Dakota at Springfield

David Conder

Assistant Professor of Physical Education B.S.Ed., Abilene Christian University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Christina Conner

Retention Specialist A.A., Carl Albert State College; B.A., M.S., Northeastern State University

David Conner

Dean of Students B.A., M.S., Fort Hays State University

Greg Cook

Instructor in Video Production Technology A.A.S., South Plains College

Tracey Cooper

Clinical Coordinator for The Center for Clinical Excellence. B.S., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University

Mitchel Cottenoir

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, A.S., South Plains College;B.S. Texas Tech University, M.S. Texas Tech University

Luther E. Cox

Associate Dean of Reese Center B.S., Arizona State University; M.A., Ball State University

Valerie Cox

Counselor B.S.W., Lubbock Christian University; M.S.S.W., University of Texas at Arlington

Jana Daniel ^Top

Assistant Professor of Sociology B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Philip Daniel

Network Technician A.A.S., South Plains College

Paul Davidson

Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Design Communications A.A., Western Texas College; B.A., Angelo State University

Shirley A. Davis

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., Tarleton State University; M.S., Texas Tech University

Audra Day

Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physiology B.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Jesse Day

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems A.A.S., North Lake College; B.G.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Jan Decker

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Cosmetology Licensed, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Stephanie Deering

Assistant Professor of Child Development B.S., Iowa State University, M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Jeremiah Denning

Instructor in Sound Technology B.B.A., Lubbock Christian University

Patricia Dennis

Program Coordinator and Professor of Office Technology B.B.A., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Dane Dewbre

Associate Dean of College Relations A.A., South Plains College; B.A., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Jeri Ann Dewbre

Director of Human Resources A.A., Clovis Community College; B.S., Lubbock Christian University

Daniel Doak

Grounds Supervisor B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Christy Dockrey

Assistant Professor of History and Government A.A., Western Texas College; B.A., Angelo State University; M.A., Texas Tech University

Kristi Dodson

Assistant Professor of Biology B.S., M.S., Sul Ross State University

Kara M. Donatelli

Assistant Professor of Art B.F.A., West Virginia University; M.F.A., Texas Tech University

Leslie Downs

Assistant Professor of English A.A., South Plains College; B.S., M.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Jay Driver

Professor of Mathematics B.A., M.A., Ed.D., Texas Tech University

Linda Dunn

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing B.S.N., West Texas A&M University; M.S.N., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Diane Eagle

         Instructor in Mathematics A.A.S., Seward Community College; B.S., Oklahoma Panhandle State; M.S., Texas Tech University

DeEtte Edens

Student Health Coordinator A.A., South Plains College; B.A., Texas Tech University; R.N., Covenant School of Nursing; B.S.N., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Charles Ehrenfeld

Assistant Professor of Journalism and Advisor for The Plainsman Press B.A., University of Arkansas; M.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Raymund Elizondo ^Top

Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies A.A.S., South Plains College

Amanda Ellison
          Director of Nursing Learning Resource Lab;B.S.N. West Texas A&M University.
Daniel English

Assistant Professor of Government B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Sara English

Associate Professor of Psychology B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

MacKinzee Escamilla

Instructor in Computer Information Systems B.S., Lubbock Christian University; M.E., Texas Tech University

Stephen Esquivel

Visual Communications Specialist B.F.A., Texas Tech University

David Etheredge

Professor of Biology A.A., Western Texas College; B.S., M.S., Angelo State University

Mike Felker

Professor of English B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University Graduate Study, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Deanna G. Findley

Network Technology Specialist A.A.S., South Plains College

Jerry S. Findley

Program Director and Instructor of Emergency Medical Services B.S., Wayland Baptist University; M.A.,  Gonzaga University

Urisonya Flunder
          Associate Dean of Students, M.A., University of Arkansas
Joseph B. Fly

Associate Professor of English B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Patricia Foard

Professor of Mathematics B.S., University of Oklahoma; B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University; M.S., West Texas State University

Lynda Foster

Coordinator of Student Loans B.A., Texas Tech University

Jacqueline Fowler

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Albutt Gardner, III

Associate Professor of Percussion B.M.Ed., Mars Hill College; M.M.Ed., Emporia State University Graduate Study, University of North Texas

Julie Gerstenberger

Director of Development,  A.A., Blinn College; B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University Graduate Study, Loughborough University

Elizabeth Glass

Librarian B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S.L.S., East Texas State University; M.S., University of North Texas

Coby Todd Glenn
          Network Technician
Laura L. Graves

Professor of History and Government B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., Northern Arizona University

Rebecca Graves

Instructor in Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technology and Title V Wind/Solar Energy Program Developer A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University

Steve Green

Instructor of Physical Education and Head Men’s Basketball Coach B.S.E., Oklahoma Christian University; M.Ed., Sul Ross State University

Teresa Green

Controller B.B.A., University of Texas-Permian Basin; Certified Public Accountant (Texas)

Aaron Greene
          Assistant Professor of Geology B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University
Ippy Greer

Associate Professor of Art B.F.A., Missouri State University, M.F.A., Texas Tech University

Todd Gregg
          Maintenance Supervisor
Ann Gregory

Chairperson of the Business Administration/CIS Department and Professor of Accounting A.S., South Plains College; B.B.A., North Texas State University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University, University of North Texas

Lynn Gregory

Special Services Counselor A.A., Santa Rosa Junior College; B.A., M.S.W., California State University, Sacramento; M.Ed., Lubbock Christian University

Suzanne Marie Griffin

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Vocational Nursing; A.D.N., New Mexico Junior College

Darrell Grimes


Vice President for Academic Affairs B.B.A., M.B.A., Eastern New Mexico University

Rudolfo Guardiolo

Instructor in Sound Technology A.A.S., South Plains College

Gary Ham

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Automotive Service Technology A.A.S., South Plains College; ASE Master Certified Technician

Donna Ham

Assistant Professor of Music B.M., West Texas A&M University; M.W., University of North Texas; D.M.A., Texas Tech University

Steve Haney

Director/Instructor in Respiratory Care A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S., Lubbock Christian University

Paul Harbin

Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Electrical and Power Transmission Technology B.S., Texas Tech University

James Hardy

Computer Network Technician A.A.S., South Plains College

Ann L. Hare-Hebisen

Public Services Librarian A.S., New Mexico Junior College; B.A., University of Texas Permian Basin; B.S. Texas Tech University; M.L.S., University of North Texas; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Charles Jeff Harlow

Network Technician Undergraduate Study, South Plains College

James Harman

Associate Professor of Chemistry B.S., M.S., New Mexico State University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Sheyleah Harris-Plant

Assistant Professor of Mathematics A.A., Enterprise State Junior College; B.A., Huntingdon College; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Mike Harrison

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Natatorium Director B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., West Texas State University

Morri D. Hartgraves

Professor of Anatomy and Physiology B.S., M.S., Angelo State University; Ph.D., University of North Texas

Jill Haukos

Assistant Professor of Biology B.S., South Dakota State University; M.S., Texas Tech University

Angela Heath

Instructor in Art B.A., M.A., M.F.A., Texas Tech University

John Heh

Assistant Professor of Chemistry B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University

Paul Henderson

Coordinator of Workforce Development B.S., A.E.C.O., Texas Tech University

Glenda Hensley

Assistant Director of Financial Aid A.A., South Plains College; B.S., Lubbock Christian University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Richard E. Herbert

Assistant Professor of Psychology  A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Texas Tech University

Lola Hernandez

Scholarship Coordinator A.A.S. South Plains College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University

Ryan Heth

Instructor in Physical Education, and Intramural Director, B.A., Angelo State University, M.S., Angelo State University 

Don Hill

Instructor in Welding Technology; A.A.S., South Plains College

David Hobbs

Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., University of North Texas Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Jay A. Hoes

Assistant Professor of Radio, Television and Film and Video Production Technology B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Dale Hoggatt ^Top

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing B.S.N., M.Ed., West Texas A&M University

Katherine Holster

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., West Texas State University; M.Ed., Wayland Baptist University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Janna Holt-Day

Associate Professor of Speech B.S., Baylor University; M.S., University of North Texas

Jo Beth Horney

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Robert Hotaling

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Automotive Collision Repair; A.A.S., South Plains College; ASE Certified in Refinishing; ICar Trained

Schahara Hudelson

Assistant Professor of English B.A., M.Ed., Lubbock Christian University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Gary Hudson

Associate Professor of Music B.M., University of Houston; M.M., D.M.A., Texas Tech University

Lori Hudson

Clinical Instructor in Vocational Nursing L.V.N., South Plains College

William Ray Hughes

Clinical Instructor in Associate Degree Nrusing;A.A.S. South Plains College;Graduate Study, Lubbock Christian   University

Robyn Inmon

Assistant Professor of Psychology B.A., M.A., West Texas A&M University

Sheri Jablonsky

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing B.S.N., Midwestern State University; M.S.N., University of Phoenix

Jaime Jaimes

Instructor in Automotive Collision Repair; Certificate, South Plains College

Richard James

Professor of Mathematics B.S., M.A., Eastern New Mexico University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Jim R. Jenkins

Professor of Agriculture B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Hye-Gyung Ji

Assistant Professor of Piano B.A., Chung-Ang University; M.M., D.M.A., Texas Tech University

Valerie Job

Professor of Foreign Language B.A., Wayland Baptist University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Stephen S. John

Vice President for Institutional Advancement B.S., M.B.A., Sul Ross State University

Jon Johnson

Professor of Music B.M., M.M., Baylor University, Graduate Study, University of Illinois

Jerod Johnston

Assistant Rodeo Coach B.S., Tarleton State University, M.S., Tarleton State University 

David Jones

Vice President for Student Affairs B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Martha Ann Jones

Associate Professor of Mathematics B.S.Ed., M.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Brenda Jordan

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing B.S.N., West Texas A&M University; M.S.N., University of Phoenix

Joseph Justice

Assistant Professor of English B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., Southwest Texas State University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Kiyomi Kaskela

Instructor in Mathematics B.S., College of the South West; M.S., Texas Tech University

Donovan Kauffman

Assistant Professor of Accounting A.S., South Plains College; B.B.A., M.S.A., Texas Tech University

Bruce Keeling ^Top

Chairperson of the Fine Arts Department, Professor of Music and Jazz Band Director B.M.E., M.M.E., Arkansas State University; D.M.A., University of Oklahoma

Iris Keeling

Associate Professor of Biology A.S., South Plains College; B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Phyllis Kennon

Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Technical Graphics and Design; A.A.S., Cisco Junior College; A.A.S., Texas State Technical Institute; B.A., Abilene Christian College; M.A., East Carolina University

Keila Ketchersid

Assistant Professor of Nutrition B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Ruth Kirby

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing A.D.N., Clovis Community College; B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University

Joe Kline

Program Coordinator and Professor of Paralegal Studies B.A., M.P.A., University of Cincinnati; J.D., Texas Tech University

I-Fan Chen-Knotts

Professor of Foreign Language B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, University of Granada, Spain

Ramesh Krishnan

Professor of Mathematics B.E.M.S.C., BITS-Pilani, India; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Jonathan Lair

Associate Professor of Government B.A., University of Kentucky; M.A., University of Louisville, Texas Tech University

Wayne Langehennig

Associate Professor of Foreign Language B.A., University of Texas-Permian Basin; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Tina Lee

Assistant Professor of Physical Education A.A., South Plains College; B.S., Eastern New Mexico University; M.A., West Texas State University

Terry Lehmann

Athletic Trainer B.S., Michigan State University; M.S., Texas Tech University

Jay Lemon

Assistant Professor of Commercial Music B.G.S., Texas Tech University; Level Two Teacher Certification in Seth Riggs Vocal Method

Holly LeRoy

Design Communications Specialist B.F.A., Texas Tech University

Camille Lewis

Counselor M.A., Wayland Baptist University

Shirley (Mase) Lewter

Associate Professor of English B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Sophia Lightner

Instructor in Vocational Nursing B.S.N., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Patti Lindsey

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Cosmetology Licensed, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Mark Lira
           Instructor of Mathematics A.S., South Plains College; B.S., M. Ed., Texas Tech University
Patrick Logue

Professor of Computer Information Systems B.S., Stephen F. Austin University; M.S., M.A., Ed.D., Texas Tech University

Alma Flores Lopez

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., M.S., Eastern New Mexico University

Johnny Lopez

Data Tracking Specialist B.S., Eastern New Mexico University

Sue Ann Lopez

Director of Health Occupations; Chairperson of the Nursing Department, Director of Associate Degree Nursing, and Director of Vocational Nursing B.S.N., Valdosta State University; M.S.N., Medical College of Georgia; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Maria Lopez-Strong

Diversity Coordinator and Technical Counselor B.S., M.A., Texas Tech University

Virginia Mahan

Professor of Psychology B.A., Upsala College; M.Sp.Ed., Eastern New Mexico University; Ed.D., Texas Tech University

Jim Majorowski ^Top

Instructor in Emergency Medical Services Licensed Paramedic, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Rosa Ema Maldonado

Personnel Coordinator B.A., Texas Tech University

Gail Malone

Director of the Teaching and Learning Center and Education Department; Title V Project Director B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Cary Marrow

Director of the Physical Plant A.A.S., South Plains College

Ed Marsh

Professor of Music B.A., Western Kentucky University; M.M., Texas Tech University

Casey Martin

Veteran and Financial Aid Coordinator B.A., Texas Tech University

Candelario “Marty” Martinez

Instructor in Workforce Development, LCCRTC A.A., South Plains College; B.S.O.E., M.Ed., Wayland Baptist University

Kara Martinez

Assistant Professor of Speech B.A., Angelo State University; M.A., Texas Tech University

M. Sue Matthews

Instructor in Vocational Nursing R.N., Methodist Hospital School of Nursing; B.S., Texas Tech University

Kay McClellan

Assistant Professor of English B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Mollie McCook-Melton

Allied Health Department Chairperson, Program Coordinator and Professor of Applied Rehabilitation Psychology B.S., University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas; M.Ed., North Texas State University; Graduate Study, University of Tulsa

Tracy McCormack

Instructor in Cosmetology Licensed, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Joe McDowell

Campus Police Chief Certificate, South Plains Association of Governments, Licensed Peace Office

Linda McGann

Associate Professor of English B.S., B.A., M.S., M.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Jimmie McGee

Associate Professor of Government and History B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.A., Southwest Texas State University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University at Texarkana

Brenda McKelvey

STARCenter Basic Skills Specialist B.S., Lubbock Christian University

Victoria McLure

Professor of English B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Teresa McNabb

Instructor in Vocational Nursing L.V.N., South Plains College; R.N., State University of New York

Janie McNutt

Associate Professor of Foreign Language B.A., Eastern New Mexico University; M.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, University of Colorado, University of Bordeaux, Texas Tech University

Wade McNutt

Instructor in Commercial Music A.A.S., South Plans College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University

Adrian L. Mellberg

Web Content Coordinator A.A.S., South Plains College

Yuri Mendoza

Learning Specialist B.A., Texas Tech University

Brooks Miller

Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, B.S. Hillsdale College, M.S.,Texas Tech University

Linda Miller

Assistant Professor of Reading B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Marcie A. Miller

Instructor in Psychology, A.A., Midland College; B.A., Texas Tech University; M.A., Stephen F. Austin State University

Marlin Mills

Associate Professor of Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies, B.S., Texas Tech University

Susan Mills

Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Office Technology A.S., Amarillo College; B.B.A, M.B.E., University of North Texas; Graduate Study, University of Texas at Brownsville

Bryan Mitchell

Instructor in Automotive Technology Certificate, Wyoming Technical Institute; ASE Master Certified Technician

Cathy Mitchell

Dean of Reese Center B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University; M.Ed., Sul Ross State University

Larry Moffett

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., M.S., Texas Tech University

Vanessa Moffett

Assistant Professor of Physical Education B.S., M.S., Angelo State University, Graduate Study, University of Texas at Austin

Stuart Moody

Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Sound Technology A.A.S., South Plains College

Jon Marc Moore

Assistant Professor of Physical Education B.S., Angelo State University; M.S., West Texas State University

Jim Moratto
          Instructor in Music B.A., Mesa State College
Roland Moreira

Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems B.A., St. Francis College; M.A.O.M., University of Phoenix

Benny Morris

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology; A.A.S., South Plains College

Julie E. Mosley

Instructor in Nursing B.S.N., Texas Women’s University; M.S.N., University of New Mexico

Ginger Mulloy

Director of the Computer Center

Jacque Myatt

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University

Daniel K. Nazworth

Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts B.A, M.A., Angelo State University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Chris Neal

Instructor in Sound Technology B.S. Middle Tennessee State University; Graduate Study, Wichita State University, Texas Tech University

Natasha Newsom

Instructor in English B.A., Texas Tech University; M.Ed., Wayland Baptist University; M.A., Texas Tech University

Amy Nichols

Instructional Technology Specialist A.A., South Plains College; Undergraduate studies West Texas A&M

Jeremy J. Nicholson
          Instructor in Biology-Anatomy and Physiology B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University
Larry Norris

Associate Professor of Government B.A., M.A., Sam Houston State University; Graduate Study, University of Texas at Tyler, East Texas State University, West Texas State University, Texas Tech University, Sam Houston State University, Wayland Baptist University

Yancy Nuñez

Dean of Arts and Sciences B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Dee Dee Odorizzi ^Top

Director of the Physical Education Complex and Instructor in Physical Education B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Ross Orman
          POISE Support Specialist A.S., South Plains College
Tony Ortiz

Associate Professor of Automotive and Diesel Service Technology; A.S., South Plains College; B.S., Texas Tech University; ASE Certified Technician

Whitney Owens

Program Coordinator and Professor of Diesel Service Technology Certificate, Texas State Technical Institute; A.A.S., South Plains College; ASE Certified Technician

Tom Payton

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems B.S., M.A., Texas Tech University Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Charlene Perez

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S.O.E., M.B.A., Wayland Baptist University

Kathryn Perez
          College Recruiter A.S., South Plains College, B.S., Texas Tech University   
Allison Perrin

Counselor B.A., Wayland Baptist University; M.S.H.R. East Central University

Joshua Pickrell

Assistant Professor of Economics B.S. University of Washington; M.S., Texas A&M University

Tracey Pineda

Librarian B.S., Lubbock Christian University; M.S., University of North Texas

Jill Pitts

Assistant Professor of Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., McLennan Community College; B.S.N., Lubbock Christian University; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University

Robert E. Plant, II

Instructor in Mathematics B.S., Philander Smith College; M.S., Texas Tech University

Gary Poffenbarger

Chairperson of the English Department and Professor of English B.A., M.A., Oklahoma State University; Graduate Study, Oklahoma State University

Jennifer Ponto

Instructor in Vocational Nursing R.N., B.S.N., University of Texas at El Paso

Rebecca Poole

Instructor in Vocational Nursing L.V.N., Lubbock School of Vocational Nursing; R.N., Methodist Hospital School of Nursing

Ronald Presley, Jr.

Professor of Agriculture A.S., South Plains College; B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Babbette Price

Clinical Coordinator and Instructor in Respiratory Care A.A.S., South Plains College; R.R.T.

Emma Quevedo

Assistant Professor of Foreign Language A.A.S., South Plains College; B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Matt Quick

Assistant Professor of Sound Technology/Studio Technician A.A., South Plains College

Kimbra Quinn

Director of Enrollment Management A.S., South Plains College; B.A., Texas A&M University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Graciela Quiñonez

Director of the Plainview Extension Center  B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Rita Quiñonez-Prieto

Director of the STAR Center B.A., M.Ed., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi

Sharon Race

Assistant Professor of English B.A., M.A., Baylor University

Norberto “Rob” Ramos

Assistant Professor of Foreign Language A.A., South Plains College; B.S., Lubbock Christian University; M.A., Texas Tech University

Andrea Rangel ^Top

Dean of Admissions and Records A.A.S., A.S., South Plains College; B.S.Ed., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Randall Redman

Instructor in Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Certificate, South Plains College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University

John Reid

Associate Professor of Commercial Music A.A.S., Illinois Central College; B.A., Western Illinois University; Graduate Study, West Texas A&M University, Colorado University

Lynda L. Reid

Associate Professor of Music and Symphonic Band Director B.M.Ed., M.M., East Texas State University

Michael Reimer
          Instructor in Automotive Service Technology; A.A.S., South Plains College
Johnanne Reynolds

Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Child Development B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; B.F.A., University of Texas at El Paso; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

James (Jimmy) Richey

Assistant Professor of Law Enforcement Technology A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S., M.Ed., Wayland Baptist University

Philip Ricker

Professor of Microbiology B.S., Southwestern University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin

Emily Elaine Rider

Associate Professor of Associate Degree Nursing B.S.N., M.S., University of Texas at Austin

Anthony Riley

Vice President for Finance and Administration B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute; M.B.A., Clemson University; Certified Public Accountant (Texas)

Chris Riley

Director of Upward Bound B.S., M.S., Tarleton State University

Bill G. Ritchie

Professor of Psychology B.A., Eastern Washington University; M.S., Ph.D., Washington State University

Angela Roberts

Instructor in History  B.A., Lubbock Christian University; M.A., West Texas A & M University

Edgar (Randy) Robertson

Chairperson of the Professional Services and Energy Department and Assistant Professor of Law Enforcement A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University; M.P.A., Texas Tech University

Dennis Robinson

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems B.A., M.S., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Sally Robinson

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Curtis Dale Robison

Assistant Professor of Economics B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Dolores Rodriquez

Poise Support Specialist A.A.S., South Plains College

Armida Rosiles

Assistant Professor of Psychology B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Jeff Ross

Assistant Professor of Psychology B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.A., University of New Mexico

Randy Rowan

Professor of History B.A., Lubbock Christian College; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Andrew Ruiz

Registrar, B.B.A., M.B.A., Angelo State University

Guadalupe Ruiz

Educational/Vocational Coordinator, LCCRTC B.A., Wayland Baptist University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Susan Rushing

Placement Counselor B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

AnaLisa Salazar

Upward Bound Outreach Coordinator M.A., University of Texas-Permian Basin

Teresa Salinas

Associate Registrar A.A.S., South Plains College

Bart S. Sanders
          Instructor in Emergency Medical Services B.S., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Traci L. Sanders

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Donna Scarborough

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., M.A., Texas Tech University

Lance Scott

Director of Instructional Technology A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University; Graduate Study, Capella University

Ed Sears

Assistant Professor of English B.A., West Texas State University; M.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Al Sechrist

Chairperson of the Business Administration and Industrial Technology Departments (BMATC) and Program Coordinator and Professor of Real Estate B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Margaret A. Seymour

Assistant Professor of Reading B.A., University of New Mexico; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Lissa Sharp

Assistant Professor of Speech Communication A.S., Clarendon College; B.S., Texas Tech University; M.A., West Texas A&M University

Letitia M. Simpson

Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physiology B.S., M.S., Texas Christian University

Amanda Sims

Academic Counselor A.A., South Plains College; B.A., Lubbock Christian University; M.S., Southwestern Assemblies of God University.

Peggy Skinner

Chairperson of the Behavioral Sciences Department and Professor of Psychology A.A., Arizona Western College; B.S., M.A., Eastern New Mexico University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Annette Davis Smith

Assistant Professor of Education and Coordinator of the Associate of Arts in Teaching A.G.S., Midland College; B.B.A., M.Ed., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Leanna Smith

Associate Professor of Biology B.S., M.S., Emporia State University

Michael L. Smith
          Assistant Professor of Government B.A., Metropolitan State College of Denver; M.A., Iowa State University
Stan Smith

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Wayne K. Snelling

Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems B.S., West Texas State University; M.B.A., Wayland Baptist University

John Sparks

Chairperson of the Communications Department, Professor of Journalism and Advisor for SPC-TV B.B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

Ronald Spears

Associate Dean of Dual Credit A.A., South Plains College: B.S. Texas Tech University; M. Ed. Southwestern Oklahoma State University

Michael St. Clair

Instructor in Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies M.S., Tarleton State University

Thomas Stalcup

Program Coordinator and Instructor in Video Production Technology A.A.S., South Plains College; B.A., Texas Tech University

Stephanie Stanley-Allen

Assistant Professor of Speech A.A., South Plains College; B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University

George Starcher

Instructional Support Specialist A.S., South Plains College; B.B.A., Texas Tech University; M.B.A., University of Portland

Catherine Steinhauer

Assistant Professor of Sociology B.S., Tarleton State University; M.A., Texas Tech University

Sandra Stephenson

Professor of English B.A., Abilene Christian University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Jerry Stoddard

Associate Professor of Sound Technology A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S., Southwestern Oklahoma State University; M.L.S., University of Oklahoma

Pete Stracener

Chairperson of the Industrial Technology Department, Program Coordinator and Professor of Welding Technology; A.A.S., South Plains College; B.S.O.E., Wayland Baptist University; M.A., Wayland Baptist University

Jimmy Stratton

Instructor in Welding Technology A.A.S., South Plains College

Tara Strawn

Instructor in Vocational Nursing;Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing,Graduate Study, Grand Canyon University

Melissa Strickland

Testing and Assessment Assistant A.A., South Plains College; B.G.S., Texas Tech University

Bill Tackett

Instructor in Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies A.A.S., South Plains College

Brian Tate

          Instructor in Commercial Music B.M., Texas Tech University
Sherry Tennyson

Clinical Coordinator and Instructor in Radiologic Technology Certificate, Methodist Hospital School of Radiology; B.S., Texas Tech University

Sarah Thompson

Instructor in Cosmetology Licensed, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Katheryn Townsend

Assistant Professor of Chemistry A.S., South Plains College; B.S., Howard Payne University; M.A., Texas Tech University

Teresa Trevathan

Assistant Professor of English B.S., M.A., Texas Tech University

Joe Tubb

Director of Athletics B.S., West Texas State University; M.Ed., Sul Ross State University

Brandon L. Turnbow
          Clinical Coordinator and Instructor in Emergency Medical Services A.A.S, Western Texas College
Gary B. Ufford

Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Automotive Technology A.A.S., South Plains College; Master ASE Certified Technician

Wes Underwood

Communications Specialist/Photographer B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Dawn Valles

Coordinator of Special Services B.A., M.Ed.,Texas Tech University

Mickie Vasquez

Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Commercial Music Undergraduate Study, Texas Tech University, South Plains College; Level Three Teacher Certification in the Seth Riggs Vocal Method

Vickey Vest
          Payroll Coordinator B.S., Lubbock Christian University
Samuel Wages

Chairperson of the Biology Department and Professor of Biology B.A., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; M.S., University of Southern Mississippi; Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Jim Walker

Dean of Continuing and Distance Education B.A., B.B.A., M.P.A., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Joe Walker
          Sports Information Coordinator, B.S. University Arkansas
Randy Wall

Assistant Professor of English B.A., Texas Tech University; M.P.W., University of Southern California

Mark Wallney

Instructor in Commercial Music Undergraduate Study,Texas Tech University; B.A. Texas Tech University

Ben Walton

Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems B.S., Sam Houston State University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Tanya Ward

Instructor of Clinical Simulation; R.N. Diploma, Methodist Hospital School of Nursing; B.S.N., West Texas A&M University; M.S.N. Lubbock Christian University

Jack Wardlow

Associate Dean of Research and Reports A.A.S., Amarillo College; B.A., University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma; Graduate Study, University of Oklahoma

Lauren Watkins
          Program Coordinator and Instructor in Accounting B.B.A., M.B.A., Texas Tech University
Ronnie Watkins

          Title V High Demand Activity Director/Faculty Developer B.S., Texas Tech University; M.B.A., University of Texas at Dallas

Stan Weatherred

Director of Student Activities B.S., Sul Ross State University; M.S., Texas Woman’s University

Dorothy Weaver

Nursing Success Coordinator, A.A., South Plains College; B.A. Wayland Baptist University; M.S. Texas Tech University

Barbara Webb

Assistant Coordinator of the Testing and Learning Center and TSI Compliance Officer B.S., Oklahoma Christian College; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Shawn Weiser
          Instructor in Welding Technology; A.A.S., South Plains College
Karla Welch

Grants Accountant A.A., South Plains College; B.B.A., Texas Tech University; Certified Public Accountant (Texas)

Timothy J. Werenko

Associate Professor of Chemistry B.A., Wesleyan University; M.S., University of Illinois

Brent Wheeler

Assistant Professor of Commercial Music B.M., Utah State University; M.M., Bowling Green State University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Myrna Whitehead

Coordinator of News and Information B.A., Texas Tech University

Blaine Wiley

Assistant Track Coach B.B.A., M.Ed., Texas State University

Jim Wilhelm

Program Coordinator and Professor of Business Administration B.B.A., M.S., Ed.D., Texas Tech University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Steve Williams

Instructor in Commercial Music Undergraduate Study, South Plains College; Certified Mel Bay Standards in Guitar Education

Cade Wilson

Livestock Judging Coach and Instructor in Agriculture B.S., Texas A&M University; M.S. Texas Tech University

Eddie Carl Wimberley

Network Technician

Tim Winders

Associate Dean of Information Technology B.A., M.S., The Johns Hopkins University

Lourie Winegar

Instructor in Associate Degree Nursing; A.A.S. Amarillo College; B.S.N. Lubbock Christian University; M.S.N. Lubbock Christian University.

Joe D. Wise

Law Enforcement Technology Program Coordinator, Basic Police Academy Coordinator, and Associate Professor of Law Enforcement Technology B.S., Wayland Baptist University; M.S., West Texas A&M University

Juli Wood

Coordinator of Testing B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Lesa G. Wood

Department Coordinator, and Assistant Professor of Music B.S., Texas Tech University; Level Two Teacher Certification in the Seth Riggs

Robert Wood

Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Work B.A., Texas Tech University; M.S.W., The Ohio State University

Christi Wooten
          Surgical Technology Program Coordinator, B.S., Texas Tech University
Alan Ray Worley

Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.S., Eastern New Mexico University; M.S., New Mexico State University

Jackie A. Wright

Professor of Anatomy and Physiology B.A.E., Florida Atlantic University; M.A., University of South Florida; M.A., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine

Michelle Wyatt

Head Women’s Basketball Coach and Instructor in Physical Education B.S., Wayland Baptist University; M.S., Texas Christian University

Li Xiang

Associate Professor of Chemistry B.A., Nankai University; Ph.D., University of Pittsburg

Winnifer Yandell

Instructor in Workforce Development, LCCRTC B.S., Eastern Kentucky University Graduate Study, University of Louisville, Wayland Baptist University

Jesse Yeh

Chairperson of the Science Department and Professor of Chemistry B.S., Fu-Jen University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Charlotte Young

Assistant Professor of Computer Science B.S.Ed., Abilene Christian University; M.C.S., Texas A&M University

Jim Young

Professor of Biology B.S., Abilene Christian University; M.S., Texas A&M University; Graduate Study, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Linda Young

Advising and Testing Assistant A.A., A.S. South Plains College; B.S. Lubbock Christian University; Graduate Study, Texas Tech University

Nancy C. Zayatz Smith

Instructor in Anthropology B.A., State University of New York-Cortland; Graduate Study, American University in Cairo; M.A., Texas Tech University

Rebecca Zamora

Associate Professor of Biology B.S., Baylor University; M.S., University of Texas at Arlington; Graduate Study, University of Georgia

Jody Zuehlke
          Instructor of Mathematics B.S., M.S., Tarleton Sate University

Adjunct Faculty

Charles Addington II, D.O.

Medical Director of the Emergency Medical Services Program B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University; D.O., University of North Texas Health Sciences Center Ft. Worth

Matt Hixson

Coordinator and Instructor of the Fire Technology Program A.A.S., South Plains College, Advanced Firefighter, Instructor III in Fire Technology

Buck Wayne McNeill, M.D.

Medical Director of the Respiratory Care Program B.A., The University of Texas at Austin; M.D., Texas Tech School of Medicine

Kenneth M. Nugent, M.D.

Medical Director of the Respiratory Care Program B.A., The University of Texas at Austin; M.D., Washington University at St. Louis


South Plains TECH PREP Partnership

Sarah Allen

Assistant Director of Tech Prep B.S., Texas Woman’s University; M.Ed., Texas Tech University

Jill Berset

Director of Tech Prep  B.B.A., Texas Tech University

Julie Laughlin

Tech Prep Project Coordinator B.S., Texas Tech University

