2022-2023 General Catalog 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic and Student Support Services



General Philosophy


Academic and Student Support Services are interrelated areas committed to achieving the purposes and instituting the mission of South Plains College.

South Plains College provides a quality learning environment. We do so by employing dedicated and qualified teachers, staff members and administrators who deliver a broad and dynamic curriculum and quality student support services. Understanding the diverse needs of students and the community, South Plains College seeks to improve the lives of our students and prepare them for lifelong learning.

South Plains College is committed to increasing student success by providing assessment, advisement and counseling services that assist students in clarifying personal, academic and career goals; by providing tutoring and other student support services; by providing enrollment, financial aid and job placement services; and by providing opportunities to participate in the academic and social life of the College through social activities, community cultural leadership and wellness-fitness services.

The staff works toward seeing that every phase of the college experience represents an opportunity for the growth of the student. This focus is based on the premise that all of college life, both in and out of class, represents a real and significant part of the student’s educational development.

Student Services Facilities


The Student Services Building on the College’s Levelland Campus is a comprehensive student facility providing specialized assistance to all students of South Plains College. Located adjacent to the Administration Building, the Student Services Building houses the Advising and Testing Center, Financial Aid Office, Admissions and Records Office, Housing Office and administrative offices for the Student Affairs Division. The Levelland Health and Wellness Center, adjacent to the Technology Center, houses Student Health, Counseling and Disability Services.

The SPC Reese Center offers a variety of student services that are located in the Administrative Offices in SPC Building 8. The Bookstore is also located in SPC Building 8.

The SPC Lubbock Downtown Cetner offers a Student Support Center, Advising and Testing Center, Health and Wellness Office, Library, and Tutoring services.

Student services that are available at the Plainview and Lubbock Technology Center include tutoring, advising, testing, counseling, and financial aid. The Director of the Plainview Center or the Executive Director of the Lubbock Center can assist students in accessing these services.

Academic Advising


Students are assigned to a primary advisor at the time of admission. If the student has declared a major, the student is assigned to a faculty advisor in the student’s major field. General Studies majors are advised by a member of the Advising Center staff or an assigned faculty advisor. Students are strongly encouraged to visit regularly with their advisor for academic planning and registration assistance. The advisor works closely with the student in making satisfactory adjustments to the academic and co-curricular activities of the college. The advisor assists in preparing an academic plan, and then works with the student each subsequent semester to keep the academic plan current.

As a part of the advisement program, students are guided in the proper selection of courses transferable to the University of their choice. Academic advisors are available at all South Plains College locations. Students taking classes exclusively online or at satellite locations are encouraged to contact their assigned advisor via email or phone.

Career Services


South Plains College provides a wide range of support for all SPC students, alumni and community members including student assessment, career information, career counseling, job search skill information, training, and employment resources. The Advising Center assists the student in finding a career field that is suited to the student’s personality, interests, values and aptitudes.

The Advising Center at all locations can assist students with career services such as: career assessment and investigation, resumes, cover letters, interviewing skills, and self-marketing techniques. Online career and self-exploration personality assessments are also available for students enrolled in online only courses.

Disability Services


In accordance with SPC’s Statement of Values, respecting “the diversity of its student body, and recognizes the worth and potential of each student”, individuals with disabilities attending South Plains College will find many programs and services designed to provide access to all aspects of college life. Academic accommodations are available to students with a documented disability. Any student who anticipates a need for accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office on either the Levelland Campus or SPC Lubbock Downtown Center after receiving official acceptance into South Plains College. Adequate notice to make arrangements for necessary accommodations is required. Contact the Disability Services Office for more information on procedures and required documentation.

Grievances and Appeals

If you believe that an action or decision made by the Disability Services Office violates your rights, you may initiate a grievance procedure. Your first step should be to address the problem with the Coordinator of Disability Services. If you are still not satisfied, you should contact the Director of Health and Wellness. If your concerns are not resolved at this level, the Vice President of Student Affairs can provide directions on further appeal procedures.

Students enrolled at Levelland Campus, and/or dual credit courses will need to contact the Disability Services Office at the Levelland Campus at (806) 716-2529. Students attending SPC Reese Center, Plainview Center, Lubbock Downtown Cetner and/or Lubbock Technology Center will need to contact the Disability Services Office at the SPC Lubbock Downtown Center at (806) 716-4675. Students enrolled in distance education/online courses can contact either Disability Services Office at Levelland or Lubbock Downtown Center.

Fitness and Recreation


The Complex

The Complex at SPC is a multi-use facility that houses the Physical Education Department, intramural sports, student and community fitness classes, as well as special events. This is a facility that offers state-of-the-art fitness equipment, racquetball courts and two indoor basketball courts open each evening for recreational play. In addition, a wide variety of group fitness classes and recreational sports are available to students, employees and community members. Full-time employees and students enrolled in six or more credit hours may use the facility at no charge. A Texan Student ID card and appropriate dress are required. For operation hours, visit the Fitness Complex online.

The Game Room

The game room in the Levelland campus Student Center provides a variety of games and entertainment. Students who possess a current SPC ID card are allowed to check out game room equipment. Students are responsible for damages to facilities and equipment.

Intercollegiate Athletics

South Plains College is a charter member of the Western Junior College Athletic Conference and conducts its program of intercollegiate athletics under the rules and regulations of that conference. The College fields intercollegiate teams in men’s and women’s basketball, cross country and track. To be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics, a student must meet all requirements established by the National Junior College Athletic Association of which South Plains College is a member. South Plains College is also a member of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association and competes in men’s and women’s rodeo events as a member of the NIRA Southwestern Region. Further information concerning inter-collegiate sports and the selection of team members may be obtained from the Department of Athletics, (806) 716-2221.

Intramural Program

Intramural sports are organized leagues, tournaments and activities that are divided into separate divisions for students, faculty and staff to enjoy at any skill level. Intramural sports offer activities that promote fun and fair play. Among other benefits, they are a great way to meet new people, relieve stress, build self-esteem and provide leadership opportunities for those interested. In addition to the competitive sport division, in which students may compete in a number of sports activities, regular periods of recreational free play are scheduled so that students may participate in informal nonscheduled activities. Selected equipment is available to students within the competitive and free play areas. Although most activities are located on the Levelland Campus, students at all locations are encouraged to participate. Additional information can be found on MySPC under the Campus Life “Intramural Sports and Recreation” tab.

Texas Cheerleaders

The Texan Cheerleaders serve as both cheerleaders and a dance team. They lead the way in supporting the athletic teams and adding excitement and spirit to all events.

Health and Wellness


The staff in the Health and Wellness Center is dedicated to helping students fulfill their educational and career goals. From the time a student first begins preparing to attend college until graduation, the Health and Wellness Center staff is there to answer questions and help students make decisions as well as provide confidential personal counseling. 

South Plains College offers all students taking at least six (6) semester hours on the Levelland Campus a medical treatment center with the services of a licensed physician and a registered nurse. The Student Health Office is located in the Health and Wellness Center adjacent to the Technology Center. Eligible students needing to see a doctor should go to the Student Health Office before 10:30 a.m. to complete records and make an appointment. The office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Physician’s hours are limited to one or two hours per day. Times are posted at the clinic.  The Student Health Office is closed during the summer.

The Health and Wellness Center is located adjacent to the Technology Center on the Levelland Campus, in the Lubbock Downtown Center. Students planning to further their education through distance learning are encouraged to contact the Director of the Health and Wellness Center on the Levelland Campus for individualized assistance.  The Health and Wellness Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Services are available virtually and can be scheduled at other campuses by request.

Additional information about the Health and Wellness Center can be found in the Student Guide.



All students enrolled in three (3) or more semester hours for the fall or spring semester or one (1) or more semester hours for the summer session are covered by an accident insurance plan. This plan provide s 24-hour coverage on and off campus for medical expenses up to $5,000 resulting from accidental injury. This is an accident policy, not a health insurance plan. The policy will pay the first $250 of covered accident medical expenses without regard to any other health care plan benefits payable to the student. After this payment, the plan serves as a supplemental plan to the student’s primary health care coverage. For specific information, including exclusions that may apply, contact the Dean of Students Office.

Learning Resources

South Plains College maintains a variety of programs and services designed to support teaching and learning at the college and to assist students in successfully achieving their educational goals. Students may access these learning resources at any of the college’s campus locations.

Academic support services enhance all students’ chances of success in college-level courses and provide students with opportunities to improve specific skills before enrolling in college-level courses. South Plains College maintains a variety of programs and services designed to support teaching and learning at the college and to assist students in successfully achieving their educational goals. Students may access these learning resources at any of the college’s campus locations.

The Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) assists students in developing the skills, strategies and knowledge to perform as confident, independent and active learners, prepared for a lifetime of learning. The TLC provides academic support services to all SPC students and professional development activities to all employees. Services provided include peer tutoring, study skills assessment with individual learning plans and advisement, learning strategy instruction, and independent study. Additionally, the center provides review sessions for specific topics, English as a second language (ESL) support, lecture notes and study materials for specific courses, and computer lab support. With its motto, “You can learn anything,” the Learning Center typifies the South Plains College commitment to improving each student’s life.

On the Levelland Campus, the TLC is located on the third floor of the Library building. For services at other locations, please contact the administrative assistant in the Teaching and Learning Center at (806) 716-2241.

In the TLC students can acquire and adapt study skills, prepare for coursework or receive personalized instruction for improving learning and making better grades. A fully qualified staff are available in the Learning Center to help students acquire the academic skills and learning strategies necessary for college success with a curriculum, including reading strategies courses (READ 0301 and READ 0420); technical/scientific reading (READ 1314); and college success/learning frameworks courses (EDUC 1100, and EDUC 1300).

Students who are enrolling in college for the first time are strongly encouraged to enroll in EDUC 1300 Academic strategies (based on Learning Frameworks) during the first semester of enrollment. EDUC 1300 is offered at all SPC locations. This course is not a degree requirement for graduation. However, the grade earned for EDUC 1300 does count toward your cumulative GPA and may count toward the total semester hours required for graduation.

Tutors identified and recommended by the faculty provide free tutoring in most subjects taught on campus and can help students develop study techniques and learning strategies specific to different disciplines. The center operates a nationally recognized Level 1 Tutor Certification Program (through the College Reading and Learning Association).

The Learning Center also provides Texas Success Initiative preparation and development activities. South Plains College’s reading program is recognized by professionals across the state for its excellence and success in helping students pass the college placement reading test. An independent study of data from 10 of the best community college reading programs in Texas ranked the SPC Learning Center Reading Program as number one.

In addition to the seminars offered in many courses each semester, PowerPoint presentations and other resources on specific study skills are available through the Teaching and Learning Center website. Links to sites with important information about learning skills and technology are also available at the website, along with information about all services provided in the TLC.

Academic support services enhance all students’ chances of success in college-level courses and provide students with opportunities to improve specific skills before enrolling in historically difficult courses. Sensitive and responsive to the individual differences and special needs among learners, the TLC provides an array of activities and services to promote the cognitive and effective growth of all post secondary learners at all levels of the learning continuum. Many innovative projects are developed and tested in the Teaching and Learning Center through use of Title V Strengthening Hispanic Serving Institutions program grants.

Additionally, the TLC is part of the professional development program for all employees, offering First Week activities each fall and spring semester and sponsoring numerous other workshops and activities throughout the academic year, such as Starlink teleconference workshops for faculty and partnerships with other institutions of higher education in the region.

Library and Information Services

The primary mission of the libraries of South Plains College is to support the academic, career and technical education, continuing education and community service programs of the college by providing students, faculty, staff, and the community with the information resources and services they need to achieve their educational objectives.

Graduate-degree librarians are available during all hours the libraries are open. They provide personal reference assistance, group tours, information literacy instruction, inter-library loans, and specialized database searches. Other services available include laminating, videotape duplication, copy machines, internet computers, printers, and audiovisual equipment.

The SPC libraries contain more than 98,000 items, which include more than 55,000 e-books, 2,000 DVDs and books on CD, more than 100 databases, a special collection of children’s literature to support the Child Development program and to encourage family literacy (Reese library) and course reserves selected by faculty. All materials are listed in the online catalog and can be transferred to any other campus on request.

There is a library on the Levelland campus, the Reese center, and the Plainview center (limited hours of staffing). Hours for each library are posted on the library website and change with the time of year.

The library website, http://www.southplainscollege.edu/campuslife/library/index.php , serves as the central access point for services and information. Six self-paced teaching modules for basic library skills can be accessed through the website and complement information literacy instruction done in the library.

Music Activities


South Plains College offers many opportunities for students to further musical and cultural interests through attendance at concerts and recitals and through participation in the various musical groups directed by the Fine Arts Department and Creative Arts Department. Faculty, student and guest soloists and ensembles perform throughout the year.

The Symphonic Band performs traditional and contemporary wind literature on campus and at area high schools, and during basketball season, doubles as the Sharpshooters Pep Band. Membership is open to all college musicians with experience in wind or percussion instruments.

The Concert Choir presents a number of concerts throughout the year, performing both on campus and for churches and schools in the area. Membership is open to students who are interested in performing choral music.

The Jazz Band performs a variety of musical styles ranging from big band jazz to fusion. In addition to campus concerts, the Jazz Band performs at area high schools and for various civic events.

Scholarships are available by audition for participation in any or all performing ensembles. To qualify for a scholarship, one must be a full-time student in good academic standing. Auditions may be arranged by contacting the appropriate director. All ensemble courses may be repeated for one hour of credit each semester.

There are also opportunities to participate in a variety of small instrumental and vocal ensembles, such as brass choir, low brass choir, trombone quartet, saxophone quartet, percussion ensemble and jazz singers. These may also be repeated for one hour of credit each semester.

Opportunities abound for students in the commercial music program to experience a variety of musical styles and performance venues. The Thursday Nite Live ensemble performs a 90-minute televised musical variety show before a live audience each month during the fall and spring semesters. The AlternaTV ensemble performs a rock and hip hop oriented television show each month during the fall and spring semesters. These shows are broadcast live over SPC Cable Channel 10 and rebroadcast on LISD-TV in Lubbock and surrounding communities. Pickin’ on the Plains Bluegrass TV show is filmed twice a month during the fall and spring semesters and is aired at noon on SPC TV Cable Channel 10.

The SPC touring ensemble specializes in current musical styles including rock, R&B, country, urban, Latino and many others. The group travels and performs at area high schools and other prestigious venues such as the Cactus Theater in Lubbock, Texas.

The Real Book Jazz ensemble performs classic and fusion rock jazz styles, and rock and roll enthusiasts may experience classes in classic, original and alternative rock styles. The commercial music program offers students a myriad of eclectic musical styles, including Latino, Celtic, bluegrass, contemporary Christian, classic blues, R&B and western swing. These student ensembles perform regularly in a variety of musical settings throughout West Texas and Eastern New Mexico.

Scholarships are available by audition for participation in commercial music ensembles. These auditions may be arranged by contacting the commercial music program coordinator.

New Student Orientation


Students who are enrolling in college for the first time are strongly encouraged to attend New Student Orientation, held prior to each semester at all campus locations. Multiple orientation sessions for the fall semester are scheduled during June, July and August of each year. Students should attend the orientation program at the campus where they plan to take the majority of their classes. Students may also participate in an online orientation module instead of or in addition to on-campus orientation sessions.

Students attending New Student Orientation are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with campus services and resources, connect with faculty, staff, new and current students and explore opportunities to become involved in campus life and activities. Faculty and staff assist students in learning what it takes to be a successful student at South Plains College. New students begin an on-going advising process with an advisor and gain an understanding of degree planning and registration, as well as acquaint themselves with the various forms of technology available to SPC students.

The Dean of Students office coordinates New Student Orientation. Information about orientation sessions can be found on the SPC website. For information, contact the office at (806) 716-2379.

New Student Services


The Office of Admissions directs recruitment activities designed to reach prospective students. These activities include college representation at area college days and career fairs, as well as visits to area schools.

The Office of Admissions supports prospective students by providing information on the educational programs offered by the college, scheduling campus tours, assisting with the application process, and connecting new students with other offices and services.

Prospective high school seniors are encouraged to participate in Senior Sneak Preview in February of each year for an opportunity to come on campus for program information sessions, campus tours, entertainment and a look at campus life. 

The office also sponsors the Campus Ambassadors, a select group of students who assist with student recruitment and represent the student body at official College events. To schedule a campus visit, call (806) 716-2115.

Safety and Security


South Plains College strives to provide a safe and secure environment for students, faculty and employees. The South Plains College Police Department on the Levelland Campus, the SPC Reese Center, SPC Plainview Center, SPC Lubbock Career & Technology Center, and the SPC Lubbock Downtown Center is responsible for ensuring the safety of the college community and upholding the laws of the State of Texas and the United States. Campus police officers are Texas Certified Peace Officers and have full authority to enforce the law.  Licensed security guards are also utilized as a part of the SPC security services.

Students and employees are encouraged to report all crimes and unsafe conditions to the SPC Police.

The SPC Police Department, located in the Student Center on the Levelland Campus, Building 8 at the Reese Center, at the Lubbock Career & Technology Center, and at the Lubbock Downtown Center provides students with a number of special services, including safe walk services by request, information on crime prevention and reporting, property identification, building security, and parking and traffic control.

Students and staff are encouraged to obtain the Campus Shield App for their smartphones.  The app is available free of charge in the app store.  It features an emergency notification button, a button to request a safe walk, links to campus resources as well as other helpful information.

Special Programs and Services


Attending college can be a great challenge for some individuals. Economic, social, cultural and personal issues can sometimes form barriers that hinder achievement of educational goals. In accordance with SPC’s Statement of Values, respecting “the diversity of its student body, and recognizing the worth and potential of each student,” a variety of special programs and services are available.

First Step and NTS Programs

The First Step and NTS programs assist economically disadvantaged students who are enrolled in technical programs. Eligible students include single parents, single pregnant women, economically disadvantaged students, and students whose career goals are considered to be nontraditional (e.g. female welding students, male cosmetology student). For more information on the First Step program, contact the First Step Counselor at (806) 716-2529.

Multicultural Services

The Multicultural Services are designed to enhance and coordinate college-wide efforts to promote and support diversity. Awareness of diversity issues is raised through the dissemination of information and promotion of programs addressing multicultural issues. A sense of multicultural community is maintained through collaboration and interaction with departments and individual faculty and staff within the college. Services include new student recruitment, individual advising with students, staff and faculty, student group advisement and educational alliances with community groups. Services are provided at all locations.

STAR Center

The STAR Center (SSS) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and is part of the TRIO Programs. Students participating in this program will benefit from the various activities designed to improve their academic performance and enhance their college experience which will ultimately lead to graduation and/or transfer to a four-year college/university. The STAR Center assists eligible first-generation college students, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds who have a need for academic and other support services in order to successfully complete their college education. The STAR Center’s goals are:

  • To increase the retention rates for first-generation college students, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.
  • To increase the graduation rates (Associate’s degree or Certificate) for first-generation college students, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities
  • To increase the transfer rates (to four-year colleges/universities) for first-generation college students, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.

Students may qualify for services if they are U.S. citizens or legal residents, have a need for academic support, and if one or more of the following applies:

  1. Are first-generation college student (neither parent has four-year degree) or
  2. Meet low income guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Education or
  3. Have a documented physical or learning disability on file with the Disability Services Office or Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS).

All applicants who meet eligibility requirements will be considered for program acceptance. However, our program only admits a limited number of students each year. Students are encouraged to apply prior to or early in the fall and spring semesters. Program applications are available at the STAR Center (SSS) office located in the 3rd floor of the Library or they can be downloaded from the SPC website. For additional information call (806) 716-2751.

Upward Bound

SPC Upward Bound is a college preparatory program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It provides high school students with the skills they need to be successful in college. Participants receive academic, personal, and cultural enrichment to prepare them for higher education. The Upward Bound Program at South Plains College serves students enrolled in the ninth through eleventh grades that will be the first generation college graduates, meet low-income criteria, or are identified as academically at-risk are eligible for the program. All students must have the potential for success in post-secondary school but must also have the need for academic support and/or assistance to assure entrance into and success in college. Program applications will be available in the counselor’s office at each school served. Interested persons may also contact the Upward Bound Program at South Plains College by calling (806) 716-2653 or visit the SPC Upward Bound site.

Student Center


The Student Center serves as the focal point of most campus activities on the Levelland campus, bringing together all members of the community, and college life. A gathering place for students, faculty and staff, the student center is a comfortable place for students to meet, organize and attend a variety of events.

Facilities and services within the Student Center include: Student Life Office, Student Government Offices, Campus Bookstore, Campus Police Offices, Snack Bar, meeting rooms, dining services, and the campus post office.

Student Government


The Student Government Association (SGA) at South Plains College acts as the governing agency of the student body for the purpose of advising and recommending the formulation of policy pertaining to student life. It is also the purpose of the SGA to assist and advise in the planning and administration of the activity program and in promoting student participation, morale and welfare on the college campus. The SGA executive branch consisting of the Student Association President, a cabinet of officers, 10 senators and a representative from each recognized club or organization comprise the student government association. Student Government Offices are both elected and appointed.

Student Life


Life at South Plains College outside the classroom offers a wealth of opportunity for personal growth and development that supports and enhances students’ academic experience. Consistent with the South Plains College Mission, the Office of Student Life supports the development of the whole person: intellectually, socially, culturally and spiritually. Our programs are designed to help students make the most of their South Plains College experience. Current students, their guests, alumni, faculty and staff are invited to attend events hosted by the Office of Student Life.

Student Organizations


South Plains College is committed to creating an environment that fosters student growth both academically and socially. Student Organizations provide a diverse and balanced intellectual, cultural, spiritual and social experience that encourages student learning and development, awareness and responsible living as well as enhances the mission of the College. For more information on student organizations visit with the Student Life personnel on the Levelland Campus.

Student Publications


The Plainsman Press is a bi-weekly newspaper published by the journalism program in the Communications Department at South Plains College. This newspaper serves to inform the college community of local events, as well as statewide and national news and issues of interest. The publication also serves to stimulate interest in projects that benefit the college and to editorially examine pertinent issues of the institution and societal trends as a whole. It serves the college community as a public forum for student and faculty opinion through the publication of letters to the editor. The Plainsman Press also serves as a learning lab for those students who are interested in pursuing a career in the broad field of mass communications.

SPC TV and Texan Radio


SPC offers radio, television and film students the opportunity to work in the production of television programming that is cable cast on SPC TV Cable Channel 10 throughout the communities of Levelland, Littlefield and Morton. Student produced programming includes live television newscasts, live Texan basketball games, and live concerts. Students also have the opportunity to work on Texan Radio, the campus station that webcasts at www.southplainscollege.edu. Students who work on SPC TV news programs represent the college in Texas Intercollegiate Press Association competition.

Testing Services


The Advising and Testing Center helps support the institutional mission of South Plains College by supporting student retention and success by providing examinations and resources to assist academic and professional advancement to students and externally to the community. The Advising and Testing Center is committed to maintain the highest compliance with nationally recognized professional testing standards and practices, safeguarding confidentiality of student records, and creating an optimal testing environment.

Within this framework, the Advising and Testing Center strives to:

  • Provide a public service by offering computer-based and/or paper-pencil testing services
  • Provide assistance to various campus offices in helping students meet their needs for different programs
  • Administer national and professional entrance, certification and advanced-standing examinations available to the college and community
  • Provide a facility conducive to a quality testing environment which will be clean, comfortable, quiet, aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly
  • Adhere to the National College Testing Association’s (NCTA’s) Professional Standards and Guidelines for Post-Secondary Test Centers

The Advising and Testing Center additionally supports student retention and success by administering appropriate exams to determine initial course placement and referring students to appropriate resources for test preparation and registration.

For more information regarding testing, please contact the Advising and Testing Center at testing@southplainscollege.edu. Additional information can also be found on the SPC website.

Texan ID Card


The Texan Student ID card is your personal college identification card. It permits the use of various services and facilities around campus including: Dining Services, Library, College Bookstore, Technology Center Computer Lab, Student Center Game Room, recreational facilities, athletic events, as well as provides access to designated residence halls and laundry facilities.

South Plains College highly encourages each student to obtain a Texan Student ID card. To obtain a Texan card you must have your picture taken in the Student Life office or with a Student Support Specialist at Reese Center, Plainview Center or Lubbock Center.  Instructions for downloading the TouchNet OneCard app can be found at http://www.southplainscollege.edu/campuslife/onetouch.php.  

Veterans Services


The function of the Veteran’s Services at South Plains College is to assist enrolled service persons, veterans, their dependents and survivors in pursuing their educational, professional, or vocational objectives. We are available to answer questions concerning veteran educational benefits, certify enrollments for the Department of Veterans Affairs and monitor student’s degree plans and academic progress. More information can be found in the current general catalog.

Benefits Coordinator

All students receiving VA benefits are responsible for notifying the Veteran Benefits Coordinator or Advisor each semester of their intent to use their benefits. This notification will initiate certification of enrollment to the VA. A Veteran Benefits Coordinator is located in the Financial Aid Office at both the Levelland and the Lubbock Downtown Center. The Coordinator should be notified by any student receiving VA benefits of any changes in mailing address, dependents’ status, degree, or type of benefits being used. The advisor at the Plainview Center and Lubbock Center can provide assistance to any student attending these SPC locations.


Advisors are available in the Advising and Testing Centers and Financial Aid Office at all campuses to assist students receiving VA benefits with academic degree plans.