2023-2024 General Catalog 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Open Admissions


South Plains College’s admissions program is based on an open door philosophy which accepts all students for enrollment regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, disability or age. To be eligible for admission to SPC, you must have graduated from an accredited high school, successfully completed a nontraditional secondary educational program (including homeschool) or successfully completed the General Education Development (GED) Test. Students not meeting one of these requirements may be admitted by individual approval.

Students transferring to South Plains College from another college or university will be considered for admission based on their previous college record. International students seeking admission should contact the Registrar directly for specific application information and forms at registrar@southplainscollege.edu.

The Dean of Enrollment Services is responsible for administering the admissions policies and procedures of the college. Questions pertaining to admission to South Plains College should be directed to the Admissions and Records Office.

General Admissions Requirements


In all cases, students seeking admissions to South Plains College should follow these steps:


New and transfer students must submit an application for admission to South Plains College Admissions and Records Office. Students may complete a South Plains College Application or ApplyTexas application. Students who have not enrolled with the college for a period of 12 months or more will be required to reapply for admission.


An official transcript of the student’s academic record in high school and/or each college attended must be filed with the Admissions and Records Office. These transcripts must be sent from the sending institution directly to South Plains College Admissions and Records Office. Transcripts sent first to the student will be considered unofficial. The applicant is responsible for having these records sent to the Admissions and Records Office. Transcripts should be sent immediately following the close of the last semester of attendance in high school and/or college(s). Students who have successfully completed a non-traditional secondary educational program (including homeschool) that meets all Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards must provide an official transcript which includes a notarized statement indicating the student has completed all high school requirements.


Students who are entering college for the first time and who are not exempt from the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) are required to take the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) prior to registering for classes. The student’s placement test scores are utilized in advising and placement in appropriate coursework. Students with prior college-level credits and those entering specified certificate programs may be exempt from TSI requirements.

The TSIA2 is administered at South Plains College and at other Texas colleges. Registration can be made online at www.southplainscollege.edu/testing.


Certification of residency is verified based on the information provided on the application for admission. A student’s residency status determines cost of tuition.


MENINGITIS: As required by Texas Law, all entering students under the age of 22 must provide proof that a meningitis vaccination was administered at least 10 days prior to the first day of the term.  Proof must be received by the Admissions and Records Office before the student is allowed to register for classes. Meningitis vaccinations must have been received or renewed within the last five (5) years. For detailed information, go to www.southplainscollege.edu/admissions.

Immunization is an integral part of your health care and the disease prevention program at South Plains College.  While the following are not a requirement for admission, all new or transfer students, especially those born on or after January 1, 1957, should have received immunizations for the following diseases:

RUBELLA: One dose of rubella vaccine administered on or after the first birthday.
TETANUS/DIPHTHERIA: One dose of tetanus/diphtheria toxoid administered within the last 10 years.
MEASLES: Two doses of measles vaccine administered on or after the first birthday and at least 30 days apart.
MUMPS: One dose of mumps vaccine administered on or after the first birthday.

More information can be obtained from the Director of Health and Wellness or from the SPC website.

Methods of Admission


1. Graduate of an Accredited High School or Equivalent

An applicant who is a graduate of an accredited high school or who has successfully completed a nontraditional secondary educational program (including homeschool) will be admitted upon the presentation of a properly authenticated high school transcript.

An applicant who enrolls in another college or university for only a summer term or session immediately following high school graduation will be admitted upon the basis of the high school record.  Applicant will be admitted upon presentation of a properly authenticated high school transcript and an official transcript from the college attended. Transcripts must be sent directly to the Admissions and Records Office and must be on file prior to registration.

2. NOT a Graduate of an Accredited High School

An applicant who is not a graduate of an accredited high school or who has graduated from a private, non-accredited educational program, may be admitted as follows:

  1. Successful completion of a non-traditional secondary educational program that meets all Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards and high school requirements. A notarized statement from the non-traditional high school, along with a notarized statement from the student verifying completion of the high school program must be submitted, or
  2. Successful completion of the General Education Development (GED) test by an applicant who meets the age requirement for taking the GED test, or
  3. An applicant who is 18 years or older and who is not a graduate of an accredited high school or private school, and who has not earned a GED certificate, may be considered for admission by individual approval. In order to be considered for individual approval, the applicant must:
  • provide documentation verifying the completion of high school diploma or equivalent when completed
  • complete and submit the South Plains College Application for Admission
  • complete and submit a Petition for Individual Approval
  • provide an official transcript from the last school attended, and
  • take the TSIA2 Assessment, regardless of TSI-waived certificate program selected.

The applicant’s TSIA2 Assessment scores will determine the student’s eligibility and course placement.  General admission to the college does not guarantee admission to some technical education and health science programs, which have additional admission requirements. Please contact the appropriate program advisor for information. Students admitted under individual approval may not be eligible for student financial aid.

3. Transfer Student from another College or University

A new student who has taken 12 or more hours at another accredited college or university after high school and is not under disciplinary or academic suspension at the last college attended will be considered for admission to South Plains College. Performance at the other institution must meet the minimum academic standards of the South Plains College.

A student from another college seeking admission to South Plains College must submit an official transcript from each college previously attended. All official transcripts must be sent directly to the Admissions and Records Office and must be on file prior to registration. A student is not officially enrolled until all transcripts are on file.

4. Returning Students

Former students of South Plains College who are not on suspension may re-enroll in classes during the 12 months following their last enrollment. Former students who have not attended in 12 or more months should reapply for admission to the College. Any student who has attended another college or university since leaving South Plains College must submit official transcripts from any other institution attended.

International Student Admission


General Requirements

    First-time, transfer and concurrent international students must submit the international student application.

  2. A $100 non-refundable application fee (in U.S. currency) is required before consideration of an application can be made.  We accept cash, money order or credit card. If paying by credit card email the Business Office at INTLFEE@southplainscollege.edu.  In the email, please include your full name, name of credit card holder, credit card number, expiration date and the security code on the back of the card.

Specific Requirements for International Transfer Students

    (Required from official non-English speaking countries)

    ​Evidence of proficiency in the English language is required and can be satisfied by submitting results from one of the following:

  • Test of English as a Foreign language (TOEFL)
    • Minimum score of a 550 (paper exam), 213 (computer exam), or 79 (internet-based exam). Scores are only valid for 2 years.
  • International English Language Testing Service (IELTS)
    • Minimum score of a 6.5 for academic version, general training results are not acceptable. Scores are only valid for 2 years.
  • Duolingo English Test
    • ​Minimum score of 100. Scores are valied for two years.
  • Completion of the highest level in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma in English with a 5 or higher
    ​An official transcript from the last four (4) years of secondary school must be submitted. The official transcript must be an original copy translated into English and must show each course completed along with the grade earned.

    An unofficial copy of the transcript may be accepted temporarily for application to be reviewed. If accepted, student is required to submit the official transcript to the International Student Office upon arrival.

    Do not send transcripts, diplomas, certificates or any other academic credential that cannot be duplicated or replaced. All documents become the property of South Plains College and will not be returned to the student.

    ​Proof of financial ability to remain at South Plains College long enough to complete degree requirements must be submitted with the application. Proof can be in the form of a bank statement (minimum of $10,500 USD) and letter from the individual responsible for providing financial support for the international student, or  the form I-134, Affidavit of Support.



Additional Requirements for International Transfer Students

  1. Official college transcript from all colleges/universities attended in the United States must be submitted in place of the high school/secondary transcript.
  2. Must have completed at least 12 semester hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA to be eligible for consideration.
  3. International Transfer Form



Policies and Regulations

Student must maintain a minimum of 12 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters. Only one (3hr) internet or distance education course will count towards full-time enrollment requirements; 9 hours must be taken on campus.

Code of Federal Regulations 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G)

If the student changes address, the student must provide the Registrar’s Office with the new address within 10 days of relocating.

Student may work on-campus, with ISO approval, up to 20 hours per week while school is in session and full-time while school is not in session or during the annual vacation.

Code of Federal Regulations 214.2(f)(9)(i)

If the student acquires a Social Security card, the student is required to submit a copy of the card to the International Student Office immediately.

Student may not work off-campus unless student receives an Employment Authorization Document from U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Code of Federal Regulations 214.2(f)(9)(ii)(A)

If the student plans to leave the country for any reason, the student is required to bring in the Form I-20 to the International Student Office and have it endorsed. Failure to do so will result in the student not being eligible to return to the United States by ICE.

The student is required to inform the Registrar’s Office of the following changes:

  • Legal name change
  • Change in declared major
  • Enrollment in another institution
  • Intention to transfer to another institution

South Plains College reports to ICE all changes of name, address or major and changes from full to part-time course loads.

Code of Federal Regulations 214.3(g)(2)(ii)

Code of Federal Regulations 214.3(g)(2)(iii)



Effective for Spring 2021
Application Fee - $100
Housing Application Fee - $100
I-901 Fee - $350

Fall/Spring Estimated Expenses

Housing (excluding official school holidays) - $4,200/year
Tuition - $5,800/year
Misc. Expenses - $500
Estimated Total = $10,500

Health Insurance
Health insurance is not a regulatory requirement for F-1 students but is strongly encouraged. South Plains College does not recommend any health insurance company.

What to Expect if Accepted:

I-901 FEE
Before the student can apply for a visa to enter the United States as a student, the student is required to pay the $350 I-901 Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) fee.

  • Most students may pay the fee by credit card at www.FMJFee.com
  • If the student’s country of citizenship or country of birth is Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria or Gambia, the student will not be able to pay the fee by credit card. These students must pay by money order, Western Union Quick Pay, or certified check drawn on a U.S financial institution.
    • Complete the Form I-901 online. A payment coupon will be generated upon completion of the form.
    • Print a copy of the payment coupon and take it to your local Western Union.
    • Fill out the Quick Collect/Quick Pay Form according to the information found at the bottom of the printed coupon. Example:
      • Company Name (or Code City): SEVISFEE
      • Account Number: Coupon Number (ex: 010222013872390)
      • Amount: $350.00
    • Present the coupon and your payment to the Western Union Agent for processing.

Payment will be linked to your Form I-901 and your online payment confirmation will be available immediately. You will be able to go to your student visa appointment 2-3 days after your payment has posted.

Obtaining VISA
After receiving the Form I-20 from South Plains College and paying the I-901 fee, the student is required to contact the U.S. Consulate office that has jurisdiction over the students’ place of residence to schedule an appointment to apply for the student visa. Student must take the following documents with them to their appointment:

  • SPC Acceptance Letter
  • Form I-20 issued by SPC
  • I-901 Receipt
  • Proof of financial support
  • Other items may also be required (student should contact embassy they intend to apply at for further instructions)

Arriving at a U.S. Port of Entry: What to Expect
Student may be refused entry into the U.S if the student attempts to arrive more than 30 days before the program start date listed on the Form I-20. The student should always hand-carry the following documents:

  • Passport valid for at least six months
  • Valid F-1 VISA
  • Valid Form I-20
  • I-901 Receipt
  • Evidence of financial support

F-1 students entering the U.S. will have their photograph and ten digital fingerprints taken, as part of the DHS Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM). All non-immigrant visitors holding visas - regardless of race, national origin or religion - participate in the OBIM, a registration system tracking entries to and exits from the United States. For more information, please visit: https://www.dhs.gov/obim

Once the student’s inspection is completed, the inspector will stamp the passport with an admission stamp and an electronic I-94 Form will be created. The Form I-94 serves as evidence of a lawful admission and “alien registration” that is required by law. If student enters by air or sea, student will be given a “tear sheet” that lists the www.cbp.gov/i94 website, where they can access their I-94 record and print a copy. Those traveling by land will have a paper Form I-94A created.

The student is required to report to South Plains College by the registration deadline, and not more than 30 days after entering the U.S., to register for classes.

Vaccination Record
Pursuant to SB 1107 enacted by the State of Texas, all entering students, under the age of 22, and enrolling at South Plains College, must provide proof that the meningitis vaccination was administered at least 10 days prior to the first day of the term. Vaccinations must have been received or renewed within the last 5 years. 

Upon arrival at South Plains College, the student must contact the Registrar’s Office in person to check in. Required documents to bring with you are:

  • Form I-20
  • Passport
  • F-1 Visa
  • Copy of I-94 (student will need to print out before checking in - https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov)
  • Proof of Meningitis, if needed

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Testing
All new students entering Texas colleges are required to take the TSI Assessment prior to enrolling in college-level courses. We encourage students to register as early as possible for the test as space and testing dates are limited. Students will not be allowed to enroll in classes until they have taken the test. For test dates and information, please contact the Testing Center at testing@southplainscollege.edu or by visiting www.southplainscollege.edu/testing.

Registration for Classes
Once student checks in with the Registrar’s Office and takes the TSI exam, the student will be ready to register for classes. During registration, the student must meet with an advisor and plan their schedule of classes for the semester. Payment of tuition and fees is due at the time of registration.

Student Housing
If student plans to live on campus in student housing, the student is required to submit the housing application and $100 deposit as early as possible. SPC housing is only available at the Levelland campus. For more information, contact the housing office at housing@southplainscollege.edu.

Contact Information
If you have any questions, please contact:

                Andrew Ruiz, Registrar/PDSO, at aruiz@southplainscollege.edu
                Brittany Reyna, Administrative Assistant to the Registrar, at breyna@southplainscollege.edu

Academic Suspension Appeals


Students may appeal an academic suspension to the Admissions Committee in writing by completing an academic appeal form. Students will not have an opportunity to meet with the committee in person or by telephone.  Please follow the required procedures. The following must be included in the appeal and submitted by the established deadline for the semester:

  1. Academic Appeal Form
  2. South Plains College Application for Admission (for transfer students only)
  3. Supporting documents for admission to the college: all official college transcripts, including the transcript that indicates the academic suspension, proof of meningitis vaccination, proof or TSI compliance, etc. (for transfer students only)

Information about the appeal procedure can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office or online at www.southplainscollege.edu/admission. The Dean of Enrollment Services chairs the Admissions Committee.

Academic Fresh Start


Texas Education Code Section 51.931 entitles Texas residents to seek admission to institutions of higher education without consideration of courses undertaken 10 or more years prior to enrollment. Students may not pick and choose what is to be ignored and what is not. Either all college courses 10 or more years old are ignored or they are counted. If you choose the Academic Fresh Start option, you will not receive any credit for any courses you took 10 or more years ago. This means that:

  • Courses taken previously cannot be used to fulfill new prerequisite requirements.
  • Courses taken previously cannot be counted towards your new degree.
  • Courses taken previously will not be counted in your new GPA calculations.

Academic Fresh Start clears only your academic record. However, when deciding your eligibility for financial aid, the college must consider all prior college credits earned or attempted.

For courses taken at South Plains College for which Academic Fresh Start is applied, the official transcript will continue to show all courses taken. Grades and grade points will be shown, however, the credit hours attempted and cumulative grade points will total zero for the Academic Fresh Start courses and will not be computed in the overall GPA. A notation will be placed on the transcript showing the semester which the student began to take courses after the Academic Fresh Start.  Once approved and posted, an Academic Fresh Start may not be reversed.

All requests for Academic Fresh Start must be made in writing by completing the Academic Fresh Start application.  The completed application should be sent to the Dean of Enrollment Services prior to enrollment. A completed application for admission and ALL official college transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office.

Admission to Specific Programs


In addition to the general admission requirements for South Plains College, certain instructional programs offered by South Plains College have additional admission requirements that students must meet before entering the program. These selective admissions programs include the following:

Associate Degree Nursing
Emergency Medical Services
Fire Technology Academy
Law Enforcement Police Academy
Physical Therapist Assistant
Radiologic Technology
Respiratory Care
Surgical Technology
Vocational Nursing

Admission requirements to these programs may be found in the program listing in this Catalog or on the SPC website. For additional information, please contact the coordinator of the program in which enrollment is desired.

Early Admission Programs


Early admission programs allow high school students to enroll in college courses while in high school.

Dual Credit Program

The Dual Credit program allows a high school student to earn college credit while attending high school and to receive credit toward high school graduation.  Such dual credit programs are part of a cooperative agreement between local accredited high schools and South Plains College.

Concurrent Enrollment Program

The Concurrent Enrollment program is available to public, private, and homeschooled high school students.  A concurrent enrollment student must be at least 16 years of age and be classified as a junior or a senior.  The Vice President for Academic Affairs may make an exception to this requirement. 

Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements for the South Plains College Dual Credit Program and Concurrent Enrollment Program:
  1. Must be classified as a high school student.
  2. Submit completed SPC Dual Credit Admission application.
  3. Submit an official high school transcript.  An official transcript must include the student’s academic record which meets all Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards.
  4. Must be in compliance with all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) testing requirements.
  5. Submit completed Dual Credit and Concurrent Enrollment Approval form for Fall and Spring and/or Summer semesters.
  6. Proof of Meningitis Vaccination, if attending classes on any SPC campus.

Upon acceptance by the South Plains College Dean of Admissions and Records, the student will be admitted under the conditional entrance policy and as a General Studies major until the student officially graduates from high school.       

While attending South Plains College, the student will be expected to adhere to all policies and procedures of the college.

Major state and private colleges and universities in Texas have agreed to accept early admission credit hours from South Plains College.  It is the student’s responsibility to verify other institutions’ requirements.

Students participating in dual credit or concurrent enrollment courses should check with their respective high schools before enrolling in classes that may cause them to lose full-time-student status or their eligibility to participate in UIL contests if they withdraw from those classes.  Students taking dual credit courses should still be eligible for such competition provided they meet all requirements for full-time high school attendance.  For more information refer to UIL rules Sub-Chapter M, Section 400 of the constitution and contest rules.

For more information about the Early Admission Programs at South Plains College, contact the Office Admissions and Records at admissions@southplainscollege.edu or the Dual Credit Office at dualcredit@southplainscollege.edu.
