2023-2024 General Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Enrollment in Courses




Each semester opens with a registration period during which the formal process of enrollment at South Plains College is completed. The SPC Academic Calendar lists registration dates for all semesters. All admission requirements set by the Admissions and Records Office must be complete before a student will be permitted to register for courses. Students are urged to visit with their program advisor prior to registration. Students may also contact the Advising and Testing Center for assistance with registration.

Concurrent Registration


A student registered at another college who wishes to enroll concurrently at South Plains College must submit an admissions application with the Admissions and Records Office.

Students who have applied for financial aid at either one of the institutions at which they are concurrently enrolled must notify the Financial Aid Offices at both institutions for further instructions. Failure to notify the Financial Aid Offices may result in loss of eligibility.

Texas Success Initiative


The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state program designed to ensure that all Texas institutions provide placement testing, personal advisement, and appropriate instruction to students to enhance their opportunities for success in their college studies. All new students entering Texas colleges and universities are required to take a placement test prior to enrolling in college-level courses, unless exempt from testing under specified state standards, such as scores on ACT or SAT, or meet one of the TSI exemptions listed below. Testing will indicate whether a student possesses adequate basic college-level skills in reading, writing and mathematics necessary to begin an undergraduate program of study.

If testing indicates a need for building certain skills in any or all the skill areas, students will be required to enroll in and successfully complete the various support programs offered. In addition, certain college-level courses in the core curriculum are restricted with enrollment for only those students who have met the state-specified placement test standards. The student must be compliant with TSI requirements before the student is awarded an associate degree, certain certificates of proficiency, or allowed to transfer into junior or senior-level courses at a public university.

College success has always been a top priority at South Plains College, and SPC wants to see that you make a smooth transition into this program. At SPC, the test WILL NOT be used as an admissions criterion. Students are required to take the state approved placement test prior to registration. It is important, especially if you are a transfer student, to consult an academic advisor about TSI regulations and SPC policies prior to registration.

Mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity

Before you take the TSIA2 Assessment, you must participate in a Pre-Assessment Activity.  SPC is required by law to provide the Pre-Assessment Activity as well as document your participation. It is required that you complete this activity before you take the test.  You will not be allowed to take the TSIA2 Assessment until you have completed this activity.  The activity includes the following:

  • An explanation of the importance of the TSIA2 Assessment;
  • Assessment process and components (including sample questions and feedback);
  • An explanation of your Developmental Education options;
  • Institutional and Community Resources that will help you succeed as a college student.

To take the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) for SPC, click on the link for the PAA on our website: www.southplainscollege.edu/testing

Which courses are restricted?

Students who have taken the TSIA2 Assessment and have not met specific scores may be restricted from college-level classes. The classes include:

All college-level English courses, BIOL1406, BIOL1407, BIOL1411, BIOL1413, BIOL1414, BIOL2401, BIOL2404, BIOL2420, all EMSP courses are restricted if you have not met the required ELAR scores of the TSIA2 Assessment.

All college-level MATH courses, BIOL 2401, and BIOL 2420 are restricted if you have not met the required math scores of the TSIA2 Assessment.

Who must take the TSIA2 Assessment?

Any person who is a full-time or part-time student and who does not meet one of the exemptions provided below must take the TSIA2 Assessment. This policy applies to students who enroll in academic-transfer programs that lead to an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science or Associate of Arts in Teaching degree and also students who enroll in technical programs that award an Associate of Applied Science or Associate of Applied Arts degree. Students who enroll in certificate programs containing 43 or more semester hours of college-level credit courses are also required to take the TSIA2 Assessment.

Who is exempt from taking the TSIA2 Assessment?

Texas Success Initiative Exemptions

(a) The following students shall be exempt from the requirements of this title, whereby exempt students shall not be required to provide any additional demonstration of college readiness and shall be allowed to enroll in any entry-level freshman course as defined in §4.53(13) of this title (relating to Definitions):

  (1) For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards that cannot be raised by institutions:

    (A) ACT

      (i) ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023: composite score of 23 with a minimum of 19 on the English test shall be exempt for both the reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment, and/or 19 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment.

      (ii) ACT administered on or after February 15, 2023: a combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R) tests shall be exempt for both reading and writing or ELAR sections of the TSI Assessment. A score of 22 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no composite score.

      (iii) The use of scores from both the ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023, and the ACT administered after February 15, 2023, is allowable, as long as the benchmarks set forth in clause (ii) of this subparagraph are met.

    (B) SAT

      (i) SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016: a combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum of 500 on the critical reading test shall be exempt for both reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment; a combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum of 500 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment.

      (ii) SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: a minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) test shall be exempt for both reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment; a minimum score of 530 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no combined score.

      (iii) Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016 and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016 is not allowable.

    (C) GED: minimum score of 165 on the Mathematical Reasoning subject test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. A minimum score of 165 on the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) subject test shall be exempt for the English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) section of the TSI Assessment.

    (D) HiSET: minimum score of 15 on the Mathematics subtest shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. A minimum score of 15 on the Reading subtest and a minimum score of 15 on the Writing subtest, including a minimum score of 4 on the essay, shall be exempt for the English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) section of the TSI Assessment.

  (2) For a period of three (3) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) with a minimum scale score of 1770 on the writing test, a Texas Learning Index (TLI) of 86 on the mathematics test and 89 on the reading test.

  (3) For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards that cannot be raised by institutions:

    (A) on the Eleventh grade exit-level Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) with a minimum scale score of 2200 on the math section and/or a minimum scale score of 2200 on the English Language Arts section with a writing subsection score of at least 3, shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for those corresponding sections; or

    (B) STAAR end-of-course (EOC) with a minimum Level 2 score of 4000 on the English III shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for both reading and writing, and a minimum Level 2 score of 4000 on the Algebra II EOC shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for the mathematics section

  (4) A student who has graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher education.

  (5) A student who transfers to an institution from a public, private, or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has satisfactorily completed college-level coursework as determined by the receiving institution.

  (6) A student who has previously attended any institution and has been determined to have met readiness standards by that institution. For students meeting non-Algebra intensive readiness standards in mathematics as defined in §4.59 of this title (relating to Determination of Readiness to Perform Entry-Level Freshman Coursework), institutions may choose to require additional preparatory coursework/interventions for Algebra intensive courses, including MATH 1314/1324/1414 (or their local equivalent). It is the institution’s responsibility to ensure that students are clearly informed of the consequences of successful completion of a mathematics pathways model which results in meeting the mathematics college readiness standard only for specific entry-level freshman mathematics courses.

  (7) A student who is enrolled in a certificate program of one year or less (Level-One certificates, 42 or fewer semester credit hours or the equivalent) at a public junior college, a public technical institute, or a public state college.

  (8) A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.

  (9) A student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.

  (10) A student who successfully completes a college preparatory course under Texas Education Code §28.014 is exempt for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of high school graduation with respect to the content area of the course. The student must enroll in the student’s first college-level course in the exempted content area in the student’s first year of enrollment in an institution of higher education. This exemption applies only at the institution of higher education that partners with the school district in which the student is enrolled to provide the course. Additionally, an institution of higher education may enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with a partnering institution of higher education to accept the exemption for the college preparatory course.

(b) An institution may exempt a non-degree-seeking or non-certificate-seeking student.

(c) ESOL Waiver–An institution may grant a temporary waiver from the assessment required under this title for students with demonstrated limited English proficiency in order to provide appropriate ESOL/ESL coursework and interventions. The waiver must be removed after the student attempts 15 credit hours of developmental ESOL coursework at a public junior college, public technical institute, or public state college; 9 credit hours of developmental ESOL coursework at a general academic teaching institution; or prior to enrolling in entry-level freshman coursework, whichever comes first, at which time the student would be administered the TSI Assessment. Funding limits as defined in Texas Education Code, §51.340 for developmental education still apply. Developmental Education is not available for high school students.

(d) Any student who has been determined to be exempt in mathematics, reading, and/or writing under subsection (a) or (b) of this section shall not be required to enroll in developmental coursework and/or interventions in the corresponding area of exemption.


Source Note: The provisions of this §4.54 adopted to be effective December 3, 2003, 28 TexReg 10753; amended to be effective May 17, 2004, 29 TexReg 4868; amended to be effective August 15, 2004, 29 TexReg 7971; amended to be effective November 28, 2012, 37 TexReg 9358; amended to be effective August 15, 2013, 38 TexReg 5063; amended to be effective November 21, 2013, 38 TexReg 8195; amended to be effective September 4, 2014, 39 TexReg 6841; amended to be effective November 25, 2015, 40 TexReg 8203; amended to be effective August 30, 2016, 41 TexReg 6480; amended to be effective May 11, 2017, 42 TexReg2405; amended to be effective February 28, 2018, 43 TexReg 1059; amended to be effective May 17, 2021, 46 TexReg 3123; amended to be effective February 15, 2023, 48 TexReg 670


Approved Tests: The test approved by THECB is the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2)

Students must submit a copy of their documentation to the Admissions and Records Office to qualify for any of the exemptions listed above.



Accounting Associate Certificate
Automotive Collision Repair Basic Skills Certificate
Automotive Technology Advanced Skills Certificate
Automotive Technology Basic Skills Certificate
Business - Business Management Certificate
Business - General Business Certificate
Cinema and Video Production Basic Skills Certificate
Cinema and Video Production Advanced Certificate
Commercial Music Advanced Performance Track Certificate
Commercial Music Entertainment Business Certificate
Commercial Music Performance Track Certificate
Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Advanced CAD Technician Certificate
Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Basic CAD Technician Certificate
Computer Information Systems Administration Certificate 
Computer Information Systems Networking Certificate
Computer Information Systems Programming Certificate
Computer Information Systems Technician Certificate
Cosmetology Certificate
Cosmetology Instructor Certificate
Culinary Arts - Fundamental Culinary Skills Certificate
Culinary Arts - Advanced Culinary and Baking Skills Certificate
Diesel - Basic Diesel Technology Certificate
Diesel - Equipment Certificate
Diesel - Transportation Certificate
EPT - Electrician Certificate
EPT - Electrical Utility Technician Certificate
EPT - Advanced Electrician Certificate
EPT - Advanced Electrical Utility Technician Certificate
EPT - Advanced Texas Electrical Cooperative Certificate 
Fire Technology - Basic Fire Academy
Graphic Arts Software Skills Certificate
Graphic Arts Advanced Certificate
HART - Commercial Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Technician Certificate
HART - Residential Air Conditioning Installation Technician Certificate
Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies Certificate
Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies Certificate; Machinist Specialization
Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies Advanced Certificate
Industrial Manufacturing/Emerging Technologies Advanced Certificate; Machinist Specialization
Law Enforcement Police Academy Certificate
Office Administration Certificate
Office Administration Advanced Certificate
Office Administration Customer Service Representative Certificate
Paralegal Studies Certificate
Real Estate Salesmanship Certificate
Real Estate Occupational Skills Award
Sound Technology - Fundamentals of Sound Technology Certificate
Sound Technology - Sound Reinforcement Certificate
Welding Technology Basic Processes Certificate
Welding Technology Advanced Processes Certificate

Contact the Advising and Testing Center for more information about programs which are not subject to TSI requirements.

Testing Information

The TSIA2 Assessment is a computer-adaptive test and is administered at all SPC campus locations. Contact the Advising and Testing Center at the appropriate SPC location for times and dates when the TSIA2 Assessment will be administered. Students can reach the Testing centers by email at testing@southplainscollege.edu. The test fee will be based on the cost of the test administration and materials. Pre-registration and the pre-assessment activity (PAA) are required before taking the TSIA2 Assessment. To pre-register and pay online go to: www.southplainscollege.edu/testing.  Pre-registration and payment must be completed at least three (3) days in advance.

Failure to take the TSIA2 Assessment

If you are NOT WAIVED or EXEMPT from taking the TSIA2 Assessment, it is required that you take the test before you enroll in courses. You will not be able to register for college-level credit courses until you have taken the placement test and met the required minimum score(s) for college-level courses.

Other Testing Programs


South Plains College provides a number of testing opportunities for current students and students seeking admission to certain programs.

American College Testing Program (ACT)

Entering students planning to enroll at South Plains College are encouraged but not required to submit ACT scores. South Plains College is a National Testing Center for ACT. The scores on the ACT do not affect the student’s eligibility for admission to South Plains College. The results of the tests are used in advising students in the selection of appropriate courses and may be considered in awarding scholarships. The test fee is set on a yearly basis by ACT. Contact the Advising and Testing Center on the Levelland Campus or your high school counselor for a registration bulletin. ACT registration can also be completed online at www.actstudent.org.

Associate Degree Nursing Pre-Admissions Test

The TEAS-RN test is administered to those seeking admission to South Plains College’s Associate Degree Nursing program and is administered through the Advising and Testing Office on the Levelland Campus. Students need to pre-register and pay at least three (3) days in advance.  Students can view the testing schedule, pre-register and pay online at www.southplainscollege.edu/testing. Contact the Advising and Testing Office, at (806) 716-2368 for more information.

Cosmetology Entrance Test

The Cosmetology Entrance Test is administered to those seeking admission to the Cosmetology program on the Levelland Campus and the SPC Plainview Center. Please contact the Cosmetology Program Advisors at Levelland (806) 716-2647 and the Plainview Program Advisor at (806) 296-4303 for more information. 


The TEAS-EMS test is administered to those seeking admission to the EMS Paramedic Program. Scheduled tests are offered at the SPC Reese Center. Individuals should contact the Advising and Testing Center at Reese, testing@southplainscollege.edu, or the EMS coordinator at (806) 716-4877. The testing schedule can be viewed online at www.southplainscollege.edu/testing.

Physical Therapist Assistant Pre-Admissions Test

The TEAS-PTA is administered to those seeking admission into the Physical Therapy Assistant program offered on the Levelland Campus.  Students must be TSI compliant before signing up to take this exam.  Students need to pre-register and pay at least three (3) days in advance. Students can view the testing schedule, pre-register and pay online at www.southplainscollege.edu/testing.  Testing for the TEAS-PTA is at the Levelland Campus. Contact the Advising and Testing Office, at Levelland (806) 716-2368.

Law Enforcement Academy Pre-Admissions Test

This test is administered to those seeking admission to the Law Enforcement Academy on the Levelland Campus. Tests are scheduled during the spring and summer semesters. Contact the coordinator of the Law Enforcement Academy, at (806) 716-2357.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

Entering students planning to enroll at South Plains College are encouraged but not required to submit College Board SAT scores. South Plains College is a National Testing Center for SAT. The scores on the SAT do not affect the student’s eligibility for admission to South Plains College. The results of the tests are used in advising students in the selection of appropriate courses and may be considered in awarding scholarships. The test fee is set on a yearly basis by College Board SAT. Contact the Advising and Testing Center on the Levelland Campus or your high school counselor for a registration bulletin. SAT registration can also be completed online at www.collegeboard.org/sat.

Surgical Technology Pre-Admissions Test

This test is administered to those seeking admission to the Surgical Technology program. Scheduled tests are offered at the SPC Reese Center. Individuals should contact the Advising and Testing Center at Reese, testing@southplainscollege.edu, or the surgical technology coordinator, at (806) 716-4642, for registration and testing dates. Students can view the testing schedule at www.southplainscollege.edu/testing.

Texas Peace Officer License Test

This test is administered to those SPC students who receive a “TCOLE Endorsement of Eligibility” from the SPC Peace Officer Academy Coordinator. Students must have this endorsement in order to take the Basic Peace Officer Examination to be a Texas Peace Officer. Tests are scheduled at the Levelland Campus for SPC students. Contact the Peace Officer Academy Coordinator at (806) 716-2357.

Vocational Nursing Pre-Admissions Test

South Plains College offers Vocational Nursing programs at three locations: Levelland, Reese, and Plainview. All students must be TSI compliant either through testing or coursework in order to be admitted to the Vocational Nursing program.

Students may contact the Vocational Nursing program at the Levelland campus at (806) 716-2248 for admission information.

Students may contact the Vocational Nursing Program at the SPC Reese Center at (806) 716-4626 for admission information.

Students may contact the Vocational Nursing Program at the SPC Plainview Center at (806) 716-4406 for admission information. 

Advanced Placement


Advanced Placement grants the student permission to take advanced courses in which he or she does not meet the standard prerequisites. Advanced Placement may be granted based on high school work completed or by the approval of the instructor in the course. The granting of Advanced Placement waives the prerequisites of a course but does not grant college credit.

Change of Schedule


The SPC Academic Calendar specifies when courses may be added or dropped from a student’s schedule during registration periods. Schedule changes may be made online using Texan Connect or in person in the Advising and Testing Center or the Admissions and Records Office  from the beginning of a registration period through the late registration period.

A student who wishes to make a class schedule change after the late registration period must originate the request with the Admissions and Records Office.

Under no circumstance may a course be added after the official census date of a term indicated in the Academic Calendar. 

Changes are not official until all steps in the process have been completed.

Other regulations related to adding or dropping a course include:

Adding a Course

Students may add courses to their schedule through the late registration period in Texan Connect or by contacting the Advising and Testing Center.

To add a course after registration has closed and before the official census date, a student must complete an online Schedule Change Form. Permission must be granted by the instructor for the course in writing by emailing registrar@southplainscollege.edu. Under no circumstance may a course be added after the official census date indicated in the Academic Calendar. 

Dropping a Course

Students may drop courses through Texan Connect, the Admissions and Records Office or Advising and Testing Center through the late registration period.

After late registration has closed, a student must complete the online Student Initatied Drop Request to drop a course.

Students may also drop courses in person at any campus location by completing a Student Initiated Drop Form. Complete a Student Initiated Drop Form and return the signed form to the Levelland Admissions and Records Office, the Student Support Center at the Lubbock Downtown Center, the Lubbock Career and Techical Center or Plainview Center. You must have a picture ID to complete the drop. 

A mark of “W” will be given for student-initiated drops that occur prior to and through the last day to drop as indicated in the online Academic Calendar.

Administrative Withdrawal from the College

Any student who has not attended class according to college records by the official census date for any given term is considered a “no show” and will be administratively withdrawn from the class or college without record. The student is advised that this action may have adverse effects on financial aid.

Students who stop attending a class should go through the procedure for dropping a course; otherwise, they may be administratively withdrawn as determined by the instructor for lack of attendance and their record will show an “X” instead of a “W.” A student who stops attending class may be administratively withdrawn from class as determined by the instructor through the last day to drop indicated in the online Academic Calendar.

It is the student’s responsibility to verify administrative withdrawals for excessive absences through his or her Texan Connect account online.

A student administratively withdrawn by the instructor may be reinstated with the approval of the appropriate instructor. A student must initiate a request for reinstatement within seven (7) calendar days of the official date of drop by personally contacting the course instructor.

Withdrawal from the College

Any student withdrawing from ALL classes must schedule an appointment with the Advising and Testing Center to initiate the withdrawal process. Instructions for obtaining clearance from some departments of the college will be given at that time.

A mark of “W” will be given for withdrawals that occur prior to and through the last day to drop as indicated in the online Academic Calendar.

South Plains College does not permit a student to withdraw if that student has an allegation pending for violation of Policy FH Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct.  Should a student decide to leave and/or not participate in the equity resolution process, the process will nonetheless proceed in the student’s absence to a reasonable resolution and that student will not be permitted to return to SPC unless all sanctions have been satisfied.  The student will not have access to an official academic transcript until the allegations have been resolved.

Course Repeats

Students who have earned a final grade of D, F, X, or W in a course are allowed to repeat that course one time without permission. When repeating a course for the second time or more, academic advisor permission is required. See the ‘Repeat Course Fee’ section of the online catalog for the cost of repeating courses three or more times.

Students who have earned a final grade of A, B, or C in a course are allowed to repeat the course. Academic advisor permission is required prior to registering for the course. 

Class Attendance


Students are expected to attend all classes to be successful in a course. The student may be administratively withdrawn from the course when absences become excessive as defined in the course syllabus.

When an unavoidable reason for class absence arises, such as illness, an official trip authorized by the college or an official activity, the instructor may permit the student to make up work missed. It is the student’s responsibility to complete work missed within a reasonable period as determined by the instructor.  Students are officially enrolled in all courses for which they pay tuition and fees at the time of registration. Should a student, for any reason, delay in reporting to a class after official enrollment, absences will be attributed to the student from the first-class meeting.

Students who enroll in a course but have never attended by the official census date, as reported by the faculty member, will be administratively dropped by the Admissions and Records Office.  A student who does not meet the attendance requirements of a class as stated in the course syllabus and does not officially withdraw from that course by the official census date of the semester may be administratively withdrawn from that course and receive a grade of “X” as determined by the instructor. Instructors are responsible for clearly stating their administrative drop policy in the course syllabus, and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of that policy. 

It is the student’s responsibility to verify administrative drops for excessive absences through Texan Connect. If it is determined that a student is awarded financial aid for a class or classes in which the student never attended or participated, the financial aid award will be adjusted in accordance with the classes in which the student did attend/participate, and the student will owe any balance resulting from the adjustment.   

Absence for Military Service
In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 51.9111, a student is excused from attending classes or engaging in other required activities, including exams, if he or she is called to active military service of a reasonably brief duration. The maximum time for which the student may be excused has been defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as “no more than 25 percent of the total number of class meetings or the contact hour equivalent (not including the final examination period) for the specific course or courses in which the student is currently enrolled at the beginning of the period of active military service.” The student will be allowed a reasonable time after the absence to complete assignments and take exams.

Religious Holy Days
In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 51.911, South Plains College will allow a student who is absent from class for the observance of a religious holy day to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within seven (7) calendar days after the absence. Students are required to file a written notification of absence with each instructor within the first fifteen (15) days of the semester in which the absence will occur. Forms for this purpose are available in the Dean of Students Office along with instructions and procedures. “Religious holy days” means a holy day observed by a religion whose place of worship is exempt from property taxation under Texas Tax Code Section 11.20.

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, in the event of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery from any of these conditions a student’s absences shall be excused, as deemed necessary by the student’s physician (Title IX.) The student should contact the Director of Health and Wellness at (806) 716-2563 for further assistance.

Unit of Credit – Semester Hours

South Plains College grants academic credit based on semester hours. In general, one semester hour of credit is awarded for passing work in one hour of course instruction, two to four hours of laboratory instruction and four to 16 hours of clinical instruction each week for 16 weeks.

Course Numbers

All courses are designated with a prefix, which denotes the field of study, and a four-digit course number. The first digit designates the academic level of the course. A first digit of 1 designates an introductory-level credit course; 2 designates an intermediate or advanced level course; and 0 designates a developmental course which cannot be applied toward the required or elective credit hours for an associate degree or certificate. The second digit indicates the number of semester hours the course carries. The last two digits indicate the course sequence. For example, ENGL 1301 would be the first English course in the sequence of courses offered by the English Department.

South Plains College numbers its academic transfer courses according to the Texas Common Course Numbering System, which facilitates the transfer of courses and credit among Texas community colleges and universities. Courses that are designed for a specific technical program follow the Workforce Education Course Manual content and numbering system.

Course Load


The number of semester hours a student may carry, referred to as a “course load,” is regulated by the Instructional Division Deans. In determining this load, the Dean considers the quality of scholastic work performed by the student, the types of courses involved, and the student’s health and extracurricular interests and activities. The regular load for a full-time student is five academic courses, or 15-17 semester hours of college work, excluding activity courses in physical education, band or choir for a regular semester, 6-7 semester hours for a summer five-week session, and one course per interim session. South Plains College allows students enrolled in an accelerated 8-week term to enroll for a full-time course load of up to 9 hours per 8-week term (18 semester hours of credit in any one semester).  

No student will be permitted to enroll for more than 18 semester hours of academic work without the written approval of the appropriate Instructional Division Dean. A student on academic probation may not enroll for more than five academic courses or have a total load of more than 16 semester hours, including one-hour courses in physical education or music.

Classification of Students


Students at South Plains College are classified as follows:

Freshman: A beginning student who has completed less than 30 semester hours.

Sophomore: A student who has completed at least 30 semester hours, but less than 73 semester hours.

Unclassified: A student who has completed 73 or more semester hours.

Students who wish to transfer to a university with a junior classification should complete a minimum of 60 semester hours before transferring. A student who is enrolled for 12 or more semester hours per semester is considered a full-time student. A student enrolled for fewer than 12 semester hours is considered a part-time student.

A full-time student is considered to be making satisfactory progress toward an educational objective when at least 12 semester hours is completed in each semester of enrollment, when a grade point average of 2.00 or higher is achieved, and when a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher is maintained.



A grade is assigned for all courses in which a student is regularly enrolled during any semester or summer session. A grade once earned and entered upon a student’s record cannot be removed and may not be changed without the approval of the instructor and the appropriate Instructional Division Dean. If a student repeats a course, it is with the understanding that the last grade earned is the one to be counted toward fulfillment of degree requirements.

Student grades may be interpreted as follows:



Grade Pts./Semester Hour











Below Average







Not Computed



Not Computed



Not Computed



Not Computed



Not Computed



Not Computed


Student Initiated Withdrawal

Not Computed


Student Initiated Withdrawal due to COVID

Not Computed


Administrative Withdrawal

Not Computed


Administrative Withdrawal due to COVID

Not Computed


Dual credit grades will be recorded as follows:

Transcript Grade


Final Numeric Average*











Below Average







Not Computed


Student Initiated Withdrawal

Not Computed


Student Initiated Withdrawal due to COVID

Not Computed


Administrative Withdrawal

Not Computed


Administrative Withdrawal due to COVID

Not Computed

*Final numeric averages for all dual credit courses cannot exceed a grade of 100.

Students who, for unavoidable reasons due to serious illness or family emergency, are unable to complete the course requirements before the end of the course may request that the course instructor assign to them a grade of “I” (Incomplete). NOTE: A grade of “I” WILL NOT be assigned unless the student makes the request. The Incomplete Grade Form must be signed by the student, as well as the instructor. It is not given in lieu of an “X” or “F.” The instructor assigning the grade will stipulate in writing the conditions under which the “I” may be removed. The “I” will be changed to an “F” if the work is not completed within six months. The student is entirely responsible for completing the work that will remove the “I.”

The grade of “PR” or “E” is administered when progress has been made in a developmental course but not sufficient progress to meet the exit criteria of passage of a TSI-approved test for that skill area. The “PR” or “E” grade is used only in developmental math courses. If a student earns a ‘P’ in NCBM-0112, NCBM-0114, MATH-0314, MATH-0324, MATH-0332, MATH-0342 they are TSI compliant.

Official mid-semester progress reports are not mailed, and students are encouraged to check with instructors periodically to determine their progress in each course. Final semester grades are not mailed at the end of each semester. Students are required to utilize Texan Connect to view their final grades at the end of each semester. Texan Connect is a free service available to all South Plains College students and is accessible through the SPC web site at www.southplainscollege.edu. Some areas of Texan Connect will be inaccessible to students whose financial or academic records at the college are not in good standing.

Audit of Credit Classes


Students who would like to register for a regular credit class on an audit basis must adhere to the following regulations:

  1. The student must apply and meet all admission requirements.
  2. The student must contact the instructor or the department chair for permission to audit a course. (Laboratory courses, skill and individual instruction courses, and clinical courses are not eligible for audit.) Approval for audit is valid only for the class and semester specified and is not transferable.
  3. The student must complete the Audit Non-Credit form at the time of registration, and no later than the census date of the semester of enrollment.
  4. The student is required to pay full tuition and fees for audit courses. No financial aid will be awarded for audited courses.
  5. The student will not receive credit for auditing a class. A grade mark of “AU” (audit) will be assigned and posted on the student’s official transcript.
  6. Students who elect to enroll on an audit basis may not subsequently change to a credit status.

Students should contact the Dean of Enrollment Services for additional information.

Grade Point Averages


The grade point average for a semester is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in college-level courses during the semester by the total number of semester hours of college-level courses in which the student was registered in that semester, exclusive of courses in which a grade of “W,” “X,” “AU,” “P,” “CR”, “PR,” “E,” or “I” is received. In the same manner, the cumulative grade point average is obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned in college-level courses for which the student has registered at this college by the total number of semester hours of college-level courses for which the student has been registered, including hours of “F,” but excluding hours for which the grade of “W,” “X,” “AU,” “P,” “CR,” “PR,” “E,” or “I” was received. If a student repeats a course, the last grade earned will be used in computing the cumulative grade point average. Only courses taken and grades received at South Plains College are used in calculating grade point averages.

Six Course Drop Limit


As required by Texas Education Code Section 51.907, all new students who enroll in a Texas public institution of higher education for the first time beginning with the 2007 fall semester and thereafter, are limited to six course drops throughout their entire undergraduate career. All course drops, including those initiated by students or faculty and any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution, automatically count toward the limit.  Once the student has exceeded the six course drop limit, the student will be issued a grade of “F.”  Exceptions to the rule include:

  • Students who entered college before the 2007 fall semester.
  • Courses taken by dual credit or early admission students.
  • Courses dropped at private or out-of-state institutions.
  • Remedial or developmental courses.
  • Workforce development and continuing education courses.
  • Courses that meet the definition of complete withdrawal.
  • Courses dropped before the official census date.
  • Courses dropped due to good cause as determined by the college.

Library Obligations


Willful damage to library materials or property or actions disturbing to the other users of the Library may lead to revocation of library privileges. Cases involving such damage will be referred for further action by the appropriate authorities.

All books and library materials must be returned before the end of each semester. No transcripts of grades may be sent until the student’s library record is cleared.

Honor Lists


At the end of each fall and spring semesters, an Honor List is compiled.

In order to make the South Plains College Dean’s Honor List, a student must:

1.) be enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of college-level work

2.) make no failing grades

3.) earn a grade point average of at least 3.25

To qualify for the President’s Honor List, a student must:

1.) be enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of college-level work;

2.) earn a 4.00 grade point average.

Developmental courses are not college-level courses and do not count toward computation of grade point average or the minimum hours for Honor List purposes.

Academic Progress


It is the philosophy of South Plains College that every student admitted to register for classes should have the opportunity to demonstrate his/her ability to perform acceptable college-level work. At the same time, however, students are expected to assume responsibility for their actions, which includes a mature attitude and dedication to well-defined study habits and regular class attendance.

South Plains College has established minimum academic standards which must be achieved by each student. Both the cumulative grade-point average (GPA) and the GPA for the term just completed are taken into consideration after a student has attempted a minimum of six (6) semester hours of college-level course work at South Plains College. Students may continue to enroll in succeeding terms as long as they meet or exceed the minimum academic standards.

Each student is held responsible for knowing their academic status and for knowing whether they are eligible to re-enroll in the college. If it is determined that an ineligible student has enrolled, the student will be withdrawn from the college immediately.

Academic Probation


Students are placed on academic probation at the end of any term when a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 is not attained in college-level courses. Students are not subject to academic probation until a minimum of six semester hours of college-level course work at South Plains College has been attempted. Students on academic probation will be allowed to enroll in the next term but may not register for more than 16 hours of college-level course work unless special permission is granted by the appropriate Instructional Division Dean.

Students who enroll while they are classified as being on academic probation may continue to enroll in succeeding terms providing they achieve at least a 2.00 GPA each term, even though their cumulative GPA is still below 2.00. Students will be removed from academic probation only when they have raised their cumulative GPA to at least 2.00.

When a student has been placed on academic probation, they should immediately contact their advisor or the Advising and Testing Center. Students will be blocked from self-registration until they have met with their advisor and completed the appropriate paperwork. South Plains College offers a number of services to students who are experiencing difficulty with achievement in their courses and programs.

A student on academic probation will not be eligible to hold any collegiate or elective office during the semester in which they are on academic probation. Students on academic probation are required to attend regularly all classes in which they are enrolled. Persistent absence from classes will be grounds for dismissal from the college.

Additional information about academic probation procedures can be found at http://www.southplainscollege.edu.

Academic Suspension


Academic suspension should not be viewed as punishment. It is based on the philosophy that a student may continue to enroll as long as satisfactory progress toward an educational goal is being made. When progress is not satisfactory, the student is given time to reconsider goals and career plans outside the educational setting.

Students who enroll while on academic probation (cumulative college-level course work GPA below 2.00) will be suspended from the succeeding term if they fail to achieve at least a 2.00 GPA in college-level courses for that term. Students who are placed on academic suspension at the conclusion of the spring term are not eligible for enrollment the following fall semester. Students placed on academic suspension may appeal their academic suspension to the Admissions Committee. Complete information about the appeal procedures can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office or online at www.southplainscollege.edu. Students on academic suspension may enroll in the summer sessions and attempt to improve their cumulative GPA.

Students who achieve at least a 2.00 term GPA in the first fall/spring term following academic suspension, even though their cumulative GPA is below 2.00, will be placed on academic probation and may continue to enroll in succeeding terms providing they achieve at least a 2.00 GPA each term.  Students will be removed from academic suspension and/or probation only when they have raised their cumulative GPA to at least 2.00.

Academic Integrity


It is the aim of the faculty of South Plains College to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of any student to present as his or her own any work which he or she has not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a most serious offense and renders the offender liable to serious consequences, possibly suspension.

Cheating: Dishonesty of any kind on examinations or on written assignments, illegal possession of examinations, the use of unauthorized notes during an examination, obtaining information during an examination from the textbook or from the examination paper of another student, assisting others to cheat, alteration of grade records, illegal entry or unauthorized presence in an office are examples of cheating.

Complete honesty is required of the student in the presentation of any and all phases of course work. This applies to quizzes of whatever length, as well as to final examinations, to daily reports and to term papers.

Plagiarism: Offering the work of another as ones own, without proper acknowledgment, is plagiarism; therefore, any student who fails to give credit for quotations or essentially identical expression of material taken from books, encyclopedias, magazines and other reference works, or from the themes, reports or other writings of fellow student, is guilty of plagiarism.

Student Conduct


Rules and regulations relating to the students at South Plains College are made with the view of protecting the best interests of the individual, the general welfare of the entire student body and the educational objectives of the college. As in any segment of society, a college community must be guided by standards that are stringent enough to prevent disorder, yet moderate enough to provide an atmosphere conducive to intellectual and personal development.

A high standard of conduct is expected of all students. When a student enrolls at South Plains College, it is assumed that the student accepts the obligations of performance and behavior imposed by the college relevant to its lawful missions, processes and functions. Obedience to the law, respect for properly constituted authority, personal honor, integrity and common sense guide the actions of each member of the college community both in and out of the classroom.

Students are subject to federal, state and local laws, as well as South Plains College rules and regulations. A student is not entitled to greater immunities or privileges before the law than those enjoyed by other citizens. Students are subject to such reasonable disciplinary action as the administration of the college may consider appropriate, including suspension and expulsion in appropriate cases for breach of federal, state or local laws, or college rules and regulations. This principle extends to conduct off-campus which is likely to have adverse effects on the college or on the educational process which identifies the offender as an unfit associate for fellow students.

Any student who fails to perform according to expected standards may be asked to withdraw.

Rules and regulations regarding student conduct appear in the current Student Guide.

Dispute Resolution and Appeals


A number of opportunities are available to students to address grievances. The Vice President for Student Affairs is the South Plains College Title IX Coordinator and is designated to formally investigate student grievances, address inquiries and coordinate the College’s compliance efforts regarding student complaints and grievances. Informal and formal grievance procedures have been established to expedite the filing and hearing of student concerns. Questions concerning these procedures should be directed to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Informal Grievance Process

Before pursuing the formal complaint process, every reasonable effort should be made to constructively resolve issues with faculty, staff, or administrators.

  1. Whenever possible and safe, the problem or complaint should first be discussed with the individual involved in the complaint.
  2. If satisfactory resolution is not reached after discussion with the individual, the student should contact the individual’s direct supervisor to attempt to resolve the complaint.
  3. If these efforts are unsuccessful, the formal grievance process may be initiated.

The College does not require a student to contact the person involved or that person’s supervisor if doing so is impracticable, or if the student believes that the conduct cannot be effectively addressed through informal means.

Formal Grievance Process

Notice of a formal complaint can be made in person or orally to an appropriate official, but the College strongly encourages the grievance be submitted in writing or submitted using the online Grievances Form found on the complaints page of the MySPC student tab. The grievance should clearly and concisely describe the alleged incident(s), when and where it occurred, and the desired remedy sought. The grievance should contain the name and all contact information for the grievant. Any supporting documentation and evidence should be referenced within the body of the formal grievance.

A student who believes he or she has been or is being subjected to any form of sexual harassment shall bring the matter to the attention of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee in accordance with the procedures in the College’s complaints policy. However, no procedure or step in that policy shall have the effect of requiring the student alleging harassment to present the matter to a person who is the subject of the complaint, nor shall a sexual harassment complaint be dismissed because it is not filed within certain time frame.

Upon receipt of a grievance the Vice President for Student Affairs will open a formal case file and assign a case official who will direct the investigation and confer with the Title IX Coordinator on interim action, accommodations for the alleged victim, or other necessary remedial short-term actions. Where the accused individual is found not responsible for the alleged violation(s), the investigation should be closed. Where the accused individual accepts the finding that s/he violated college policy, the case official will impose appropriate sanctions for the violation, after consultation with the Title IX Coordinator. The College will act to end the discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects on the victim and the College community.

In the event that the accused individual or accuser rejects the findings in part or entirely, the case official will convene a hearing under its respective procedures to determine whether the accused individual is in violation of the contested aspects of the complaint. The goal of the hearing is to provide an equitable resolution via an equitable process, respecting the civil and legal rights of all participants. Where an accused individual is found in violation the case official will impose appropriate sanctions for the violation, as recommended by the hearing committee and after consultation with the Title IX Coordinator. The College will act to end the discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects on the victim and the College community. Appeal proceedings apply to all parties to the complaint.

All sanctions imposed by the original hearing body will be in effect during the appeal. In cases where the appeal results in reinstatement to the institution or of privileges, all reasonable attempts will be made to restore the student to their prior status, recognizing that some opportunities lost may be irretrievable in the short term. The decision of the case official and hearing body may be appealed by petitioning the Vice President for Student Affairs. Accused students or complainants must petition in writing within five (5) business days of receiving the written decision for a review of the decision or the sanctions imposed. The Vice President will determine if the appeal meets the limited grounds and is timely.  The party requesting appeal must show error, as the original finding and sanction are presumed to have been decided reasonably and appropriately. The ONLY grounds for appeal are as follows:

  1. A procedural error occurred that significantly impacted the outcome of the hearing;
  2. To consider new evidence, unavailable during the original hearing or investigation that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction;
  3. The sanctions imposed are substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation.

If the Vice President for Student Affairs grants an appeal, the complaint will be returned to the original hearing body to reconsider in light of the new evidence only. The hearing body will render a written decision on the appeal to all parties within five (5) business days from hearing of the appeal. The committee’s decision is final.

Grade and Academic Discipline Appeals Procedures


South Plains College provides a separate process that allows students the opportunity to address grievances of an academic nature.  These appeal procedures include an informal and formal process outlined as follows.

  1. Appeal Restrictions
    1. Only final grades or dismissal resulting from academic discipline will be considered.
    2. The instructor’s teaching ability or expertise will not be considered during the hearing.
    3. No grade or disciplinary action can be formally appealed after a period of six (6) months from the date that the student is informed.
  2. Informal Appeal
    1. The student should schedule an appointment with the instructor of the course to discuss the final grade or disciplinary action.
    2. If the student is still not satisfied, they should schedule an appointment with the appropriate departmental chairperson to discuss the situation. The chairperson may request that the instructor also be present.
    3. If the student is still not satisfied, they should schedule an appointment with the Instructional Division Dean to discuss the situation. The dean may request that the chairperson also be present.
    4. If the student is still not satisfied, they should be advised of the formal appeal process.
  3. Formal Appeal
    1. If the student is not satisfied with the results of the informal appeal, they should provide the following information, in writing, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs:
      1. A request for a formal appeals hearing.
      2. A brief statement of what is being appealed.
      3. The basis for the appeal.
      4. Pertinent facts relating to the appeal.
        The agenda of the appeals hearing will include only those factors documented in the student’s appeal request letter.
    2. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will determine the date, time and place of the hearing, and notify the student accordingly.
  4. The Hearing
    1. Composition of the appeals committee:
      1. Vice President for Academic Affairs will preside over the hearing.
      2. Faculty member of the student’s choice.
      3. Faculty member and student selected by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
      4. President of Student Government Association.
      5. Dean of Students.
    2. Other persons who should be available at the hearing:
      1. The student who requested the hearing.
      2. The faculty member involved.
      3. Anyone the student or faculty member wishes to be present to substantiate the case.
      4. Chairperson and Instructional Division Dean.
    3. Hearing procedure: The committee will hear the student’s appeal during which the parties to the controversy and such representatives as desired, will present all facts relating to the case. By majority vote, the committee will decide to sustain, amend or reverse the previous decision.
    4. The decision of the committee is final and completes the academic appeals procedure.

Motor Vehicles


Students who plan to operate a motor vehicle while attending South Plains College are required to comply with traffic and parking regulations as a condition to their receiving a motor vehicle permit from the college. All operators of motor vehicles who plan to park or drive on campus must register the vehicle at the Student Services Office. Each vehicle must display the parking permit as required and must park in the area designated. Students who will likely operate more than one vehicle during a semester should obtain a parking permit for each vehicle that will be parked on campus. The vehicle registration fee is included in the Instructional Support Fee.

The owner and operator of any vehicle that is operated or parked on the campus shall assume all risk of loss or damage to such vehicle and its contents. The college can assume no responsibility for the safety, care, and protection of such vehicles or their contents. Further information regarding the motor vehicle policy may be obtained from the Dean of Students Office on the Levelland campus or the Dean of the SPC Reese Center.