Return to 2024-25 Residence Life Handbook (online) main page
Abandoned Property
SPC and its employees are not responsible for any student property left in residence hall rooms or public areas of residence halls. In the event that student property is left in residence halls after the housing contract period is over, the property will be removed at the owner’s expense. Personal property left in any common area, such as bathrooms, hallways, or lobbies may be discarded by the College after 72 hours. Items left behind after a student has checked out of the halls may be discarded immediately. Students will have 30 days after initial contact via email to retrieve items, after this period items will be removed and discarded at the owner’s expense. (See also Personal Furniture and Items)
Alcohol Containers
The possession of any alcohol container on campus is prohibited. This includes any empty alcohol containers or alcohol distributor/company logos used for decorative purposes.
Animals on Campus
No pets or animals are allowed in the residence halls at any time. A student found with an animal in the residence halls will be asked to remove the animal immediately from campus, are subject to disciplinary action, and may be fined up to $50 per day until the animal is removed. If hall staff are unable to locate the resident in a reasonable amount of time, local animal control will be notified for removal of the animal from campus.
Fish are allowed in a three-gallon maximum sized tank. Fish tanks must be cleaned regularly. If tanks become excessively dirty or smelly, owners will be asked to remove the fish from the residence hall. Fish must be removed during holiday breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break). If a student leaves a fish during the break, the fish will be confiscated, the student will lose their privileges to have a fish in the residence halls, and disciplinary action may be taken.
Additionally, animals are not allowed in any college building except when needed for instruction or where needed by an employee or student with a disability.
Service Animal
Service animals are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are permitted in every area of campus unless posted due to safety concerns. Students with service animals are NOT required to register with the Disability Services Office, but notification is recommended. The ADA requires service animals be under the control of the handler at all times. This can occur using a harness, leash, or other tether. It is suggested that the service animal also wear identification (e.g. identification tags, vest, bandana, etc.).
The following guidelines are required for service animals on campus:
- The service animal must be vaccinated and licensed according to local or county Ordinances.
- Animals must be under the control of the owner at all times. The Service Animal itself is an extension of the student and therefore under the same code of conduct as the student.
- The owner is responsible for waste disposal.
- A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove his/her service animal from the premises unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
Emotional Support Animals are used in the treatment of a diagnosed condition. ESAs are not allowed in campus buildings with the exception of student housing.
Emotional Support Animals must be a dog, cat, small bird, rabbit, hamster, gerbil, other rodent, fish, turtle, or other small, domesticated animal that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure. Reptiles (except turtles), barnyard animals, monkeys, kangaroos, and other non-domesticated animals are not considered common household pets. No snakes!! (HUD, 2020). They must also be:
- Fully vaccinated
- Fully house-broken
Unique Emotional Support Animals
These are animals not commonly kept as a household pet. The student must have substantial burden of proof of a disability-related therapeutic need for the specific animal or specific type of animal.
ESAs should be in compliance with community ordinances for pets. Any animal that is not allowed within a community due to city health ordinances, typically wild animals, would not normally be eligible as an ESA. (Ex., Skunks, Racoons, Opossums)
How Many ESA’s Can a Student Have?
In general, a student is entitled to a single ESA. However, in some cases a student may request two ESA’s.
A request for more than one ESA needs to be supported by clear documentation from the mental health provider stating specifically the reasoning for needing more than one. If more than one is supported by documentation, then size of the ESA has to be considered.
Students with ESAs in housing must follow the standards below:
- Animals cannot be left unattended overnight at any time.
- ESAs cannot be taken into the residence hall office, administrative offices, or common student living areas.
- The animal must be “crated” or “caged” while the animal owner is away from the residence hall.
- Animal waste must be disposed of in a plastic bag and then placed in the garbage dumpsters outside. Clean up must occur IMMEDIATELY. Animal feces may not be disposed of in any trash receptacle inside the residence halls or other college building or through the sewer system.
- Residents with cats must properly maintain litter boxes as outlined by the cat litter manufacturer. Litter box contents must be disposed of properly and regularly.
- Animal-accidents within the residence hall room must be promptly cleaned using appropriate cleaning products.
- Regular and routine cleaning of floors, kennels, cages, and litter boxes must occur. Animal odor emanating from a residence hall room is not acceptable.
- Animal owners will be charged a cleaning and/or damage fee if necessary. ESAs who leave stains, scuffs, bite marks, scratches, or any other damage and/or mess to any SPC residence hall property will be fined a minimum of $35.
- Animal owners can take precautionary measures to prevent flea and tick infestations by using flea and tick collars, and medicated shampoo for the animal. If a flea or tick infestation occurs a report must be made to the Hall Director who will then have SPC contracted professional extermination services ordered. The owner will be responsible for extermination costs.
- Animals must not be allowed to disrupt others (e.g. barking continuously, growling or howling, etc.). Animals that are a threat or nuisance to staff, residents or property, as determined by the Associate Dean of Students or designee, must be removed within seven (7) days of notification. SPC Police Department personnel who determine an animal poses an immediate threat may contact animal control to remove the animal. If the behavior of an animal can be addressed by the owner so that the pet does not have to be removed, a written action plan must be submitted by the owner to the Associate Dean of Students. The action plan must outline the action to take place to alleviate the problems and also must give a deadline as to length of time the plan will take to complete. Any action plan must be approved by the Associate Dean of Students or designee. The day after the deadline for removal, the Hall Director will do a residence hall room inspection to check damage and flea/tick infestation and then the mandatory cleaning and extermination will be scheduled. Any animal owner found not adhering to the removal directive will be subject to disciplinary action, which could include contract cancellation.
- The animal owner will take all reasonable precautions to protect college staff and other housing residents from situations where they might experience the perceived threat of or an actual injury as a result of the animal’s behavior.
- The owner will immediately notify the Hall Director if the animal has escaped its confines.
- All liability for the actions of the animal (bites, scratches, etc.) is the responsibility of the owner. Violations concerning any of the aforementioned may result in the resident having to find alternative housing off-campus for the animal and, as warranted, may also result in a resident being in breach of their housing contract.
- The Housing Office reserves the right to revoke and remove ESAs if any of these standards are not met.
All Emotional Support Animal requests must be submitted to the Disability Services Office on the Levelland Campus. Only after the Disability Office has approved the accommodation of an ESA and required documentation is provided to the Housing Office can the student can bring the animal to campus housing.
Electrical appliances not allowed include, but are not limited to: air conditioning units, room water coolers, camping stoves, ceiling fans, electric skillets or woks, griddles, halogen lamps, potpourri pots, waffle makers, hot oil popcorn poppers, hot plates, coffee pots, oven broilers, power tools, any appliance with an open coil, space heaters, toasters, or toaster ovens. No wireless routers or modems may be used in the residence halls.
Hall staff will confiscate unauthorized or misused appliances, and the individuals responsible may be subject to disciplinary action.
Allowed appliances include: Microwaves, mini-refrigerators (one per resident, 3.2 cubic feet maximum), single serve coffee makers (unless it includes a hot plate), hot air popcorn poppers, rice cookers, blenders, and televisions (40 in maximum).
No locks can be placed on any appliances. Refrigerators may be inspected during health and safety inspections.
Babysitting is not allowed in the residence halls.
Bicycle racks are located outside each hall. Bicycles should always be locked to prevent theft. Students may store their bicycles in their rooms, with their roommate’s consent, as long as the bicycle is cleaned before entering the hall. Bicycles should not block the room exit if stored in a room.
Under no circumstances, is anyone allowed to ride or store a bicycle in the lobby or hallway of a residence hall. Bicycles are not to be left in the courtyard or chained to bike racks after a resident checks out of the hall. Bicycles that remain on campus the Monday after residence halls close for the semester will become property of the College.
Bulletin Boards
Only campus organizations or College departments may post information on hall bulletin boards through the Hall Director. All items to be posted should be approved by the Hall Director and/or the Director of Student Life. Submit items to be posted to the hall director during office hours for review. Hall staff will post approved materials in designated areas.
Any damage to or tampering with any hall bulletin board or white board may result in charges for damages and/or disciplinary action.
Residents are expected to keep their assigned room reasonably neat and clean at all times. Hall staff reserve the right to ask residents to clean their room for safety, health, or roommate concerns. Room checks will be conducted to insure proper care of the residence halls. Failure to keep your room and restroom clean and sanitary will result in disciplinary action, and in extreme cases can lead to removal from student housing. Custodial services are not provided after a resident has moved into their room. Residents should report common area cleaning concerns to their Hall Director.
Cooking in the residence halls is allowed with approved cooking appliances only and the permission of the Hall Director. Residents are responsible for ensuring that proper sanitation, ventilation, and fire safety precautions are taken. Use of unapproved cooking appliances and/or any damage resulting from cooking or improper food disposal may result in disciplinary action and/or charges for damages.
Kitchens are available for use in some halls. Residents are responsible for cleaning the kitchen when cooking is completed. Hall Directors reserve the right to shut down any common area kitchen without warning if they are being misused or left in an unsanitary manner.
Common Area Use
The lobbies and common areas in each hall are for the use of residents and their guests. Appropriate public behavior and dress are expected in lobbies. Students and/or their guests may be asked to leave a common area should they not meet these requirements.
Residents are encouraged to use the common areas for relaxing, socializing, studying or in-hall events. Public displays of affection, disruptive behavior and sleeping in the common areas are not socially acceptable behaviors and are not permitted.
Any organized event, group, or student organization that wishes to use a common area must request permission from the Hall Director and reserve the common area at least 24 hours prior to use of the area. Hall Directors may grant permission for this use or they may require that the Coordinator of Residence Life or Associate Dean of Students approve the request. The Housing Office and hall staff reserve the right to approve or disapprove any request. Lobbies must be left in a clean and organized manner at all times.
Operating hours for the main lobby, courtyards, study rooms, lounges, kitchens, and laundry rooms in each hall are posted for residents. Guests may accompany residents in common areas during visitation hours. All visitors in the lobby must be 18 years of age or older. Quiet hours for the common areas are from 12:00 am - 9:00 am daily.
Darts and Dartboards
Because of the potential danger to both persons and property, darts and dartboards are prohibited in the residence halls and will be confiscated by hall staff if found.
Pictures, posters, and other items used to decorate a student’s room are encouraged as long as they do not create a health or fire hazard or damage the room. All decorations are subject to the approval of roommates. All decorations visible through the window or on the door should be in good taste. Pictures and other materials that may be considered objectionable are not to be displayed in areas that may be visible outside the student’s room. Decorations containing rude, vulgar, indecent or obscene messages, include alcohol or drug references, or display of excessive nudity are prohibited and can be subject to confiscation, disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.
To keep the walls in resident rooms in excellent condition students are prohibited from using 3M (or any like brand) Command Strips of any kind, double sided tape, duct tape, adhesives, screws, nails requiring anchors, and large nails on any surface in the residence halls. Push pins, small tacks, and poster putty are allowable. Damage charges may apply for excessive damage to walls caused by push pins, small tacks, or poster putty.
Carpet tape may not be used to secure items to the floor. Placing contact paper or any adhesives on the walls, woodwork or desktops may result in damage charges. Wallpaper and border may not be used in rooms.
Holiday Lights
LED holiday lights and rope lights may be used as decoration. Lights must be UL-approved and of low wattage - only miniatures. Proper electrical outlet space MUST be used. No more than three strings of lights may be connected together and any extension cords used must meet residence hall requirements. Lights should not be hung near wall hangings, curtains, or sinks. Lights must be off when residents are not in the room.
Extension Cords and Surge Protectors
Extension cords may be used on a limited basis in a residence hall room. Only cords with an AWG (American Wire Gauge) rating of 14 or lower and are 25’ or less may be used. Extension cords may be plugged into circuit breaker protected power strips, but power strips should not be plugged into extension cords. Extension cords and power strips should never be placed above the ceiling tiles, underneath carpet or stapled or pinched in anyway. Only power strips and multi-plugs with built in circuit breakers (surge protectors) may be used in rooms. Improper use of extension cords may result in confiscation and/or disciplinary action.
A guest is defined as a person who is not assigned to the room or hall they are visiting. Residence hall students are allowed to host up to two guests in their rooms or common areas during visitation hours. Violating a roommate’s right of entry into the room or hindering a roommate’s ability to study and/or sleep within their room is considered a violation of guest privileges. Individuals under 18 years of age are not allowed in the residence halls as guests. All guests must be escorted at all times by their host in all areas. No more than six students should be in a room at a time (this includes residents of the room). An excessive number of guests in any room can be asked to relocate visitation by the Hall Director or Resident Assistant.
Guests should use appropriate restroom facilities within the halls including public restrooms. Community restrooms in Forrest, Frazier, or Stroud should not be used by any female guest at any time. Guests are prohibited from using the shower facilities in any suite or hall restroom.
Host responsibilities
Hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guest at all times and are obligated to inform the guest of all College and residence hall rules and regulations. Any violation of rules or regulations by a guest may result in disciplinary action being taken against both the host and the guest.
Escorting Guests
The host must escort guests, regardless of gender, at all times. Guests are required to wait for their host before proceeding into the building, into a hall or to their host’s room. Guests should be escorted completely out of the host’s residence hall. Guest escort must also take place in hall courtyards and all common areas. Guest’s should never be without a host in a resident room. Never escort anyone that is not your guest. Failure to follow this rule will result in a loss of visitation and/or disciplinary action.
Overnight Guests
Arrangement for overnight guests (resident and non-resident) must be approved by the Residence Life Office. Guests are not allowed to stay overnight without roommate(s) permission.
Co-habitation is not permitted in any residence hall or on-campus apartment. Co-habitation is defined as a guest staying in a resident’s room for more than two consecutive days a week and 10 days per contract period (academic year).
Holiday Decorations
If students decorate their rooms for the holidays, these guidelines must be followed:
- Trees and other greenery must be artificial and must have proof of flame resistance
- Lights must be LED, UL-approved and of low wattage - only miniatures
- All decorations are to be removed within two days following the holiday. If the holiday falls near a break period, then all decorations must be removed prior to the break period.
- Fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguisher cabinets, smoke detectors, sprinkler heads and exit signs must not be covered and exits must not be blocked
- No candles or any open flame may be used
Hoverboards and Skateboards
The use of bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, motorized skateboards, scooters and other mechanical means of transportation are not allowed for use within South Plains College buildings or residence halls. The following exceptions apply: 1) when required for a work or class assignment or 2) as necessary for a disability or medical condition. Use of any of the above in the residence halls will result in disciplinary action and possible confiscation.
Lock-Out Policy
In the event of a lockout, contact your Resident Assistant. If you are unable to locate your Resident Assistant, contact the hall director of the On-Call Resident Assistant at the number posted in your hall. An SPC ID or valid photo ID must be presented to establish your identity. If your ID card is not available, you will be asked to provide personal information that will be verified against our roster. It is our expectation that you take your ID access card/keys/fobs with you when you leave your room and/or hall.
In the event the On-Call Resident Assistant is called for lock outs, the Resident Assistant on duty will do their best to unlock doors in a timely manner. However, please realize that they have additional duties and responsibilities that may come first.
While waiting for the Resident Assistant, Hall Director or On-Call Resident Assistant to respond, no student should attempt to open the door. This can include the use of lock-pick sets, coat hangers, credit cards, or any other device or item used to force the door open. Students who attempt to open the door without Hall Staff present will be subject to disciplinary action and fees for any damages.
Excessive lock-outs will follow the disciplinary action and/or fines listed below.
- Students receive one “free” lock-out per semester.
- 2nd lock-out $10.00
- 3rd lock-out $20.00 per lockout and possible disciplinary action.
Lock-out records and charges for each student will accumulate throughout the semester and will start over at the beginning of each semester. Students with seven or more lock-outs may receive a dean referral for disciplinary intervention.
Mandatory Meetings
At various times throughout the semester, residents are required to attend mandatory hall or floor meetings to receive information pertaining to living on campus. The meetings are for the benefit of the residents and they are responsible for any and all information presented or discussed. Non-attendance or failure to contact the hall staff in advance to explain why the meeting will be missed may result in a $25 fine and disciplinary action.
Motorcycles parked on campus require a parking permit and should be parked in designated parking areas. Motorcycles are prohibited in buildings and courtyard areas.
Offensive Odors
An offensive odor is any odor or aroma of such intensity that it becomes apparent and is offensive to others. Any odor can become offensive when it is too strong. Some examples are: perfume, air freshening spray, food, or large amounts of dirty laundry. Hall staff will address offensive odors when complaints are received. Residents identified as being responsible for the offensive odor will be asked to eliminate the cause of the odor.
Painting of Rooms
Residents are not permitted to paint their individual rooms. Students may be assessed a fine for painting any portion of their room and/or charged the cost of the repainting.
Personal Furniture and Items
Students are permitted to bring personal items from home for their rooms. Furniture items may not contain any wood and/or cloth (recliners, futons, mattresses, desks, shelves, etc.). Furniture constructed purely of plastic and/or metal is permissible. All of these items should be kept in their room and should not be stored in any other location. No college furniture may be removed from the rooms to accommodate personal items.
As an exception, students residing in Magee Hall and Smallwood Apartments are permitted to bring furniture items constructed of wood and/or cloth due to limited furniture in common areas. Any furniture moved into Magee Hall should be brand new. No second hand, thrift store, or furniture of unknown origin are allowed. Any Magee resident who brings furniture of wood and/or cloth that contracts bed bugs may be charged up to $800 for bed bug treatment. Any Magee resident who leaves any personal furniture after checking out may be charged up to $500 for removal.
Waterbeds are not permitted in any student rooms due to safety and maintenance concerns.
Pranks which result in disturbances or distress to others, or cause damage to College or personal property, are prohibited.
For reasons of health and safety, propelling devices such as rockets, paint guns, water balloons/launchers, catapults, slingshots, or any homemade device for the purpose of launching an object are prohibited.
Quiet Hours
Quiet areas in all residence halls are from 12:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. This includes common areas and individual rooms. Daily quiet hours will be enforced to facilitate sleeping and studying. During non-quiet hours, noise should be kept at a reasonable level. If you are having difficulty sleeping or studying due to noise, report it first to your resident assistant, then to the Hall Director.
Repelling off of any College building is prohibited and can result in disciplinary action.
Students are not allowed on the roof of any College building for safety reasons. Any student found on a roof of any residence hall or college building will be subject to disciplinary action.
Room Use
Students are not permitted to sublet, assign their rooms, or to use their rooms for commercial purposes. No student should move rooms without the permission of the Hall Director. Residents are not permitted to remove equipment or furnishings from their room.
Running and Roughhousing
Residents may be asked to refrain from running, rollerblading, skateboarding, skating, roughhousing, scuffling, use of water guns, and the throwing, bouncing, or kicking of objects in halls, and other common areas for safety reasons.
Solicitation of commercial products or services within the residence halls is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to solicitation/sales within student rooms, common areas, and entry areas (inside or outside) of the halls. Students and campus organizations desiring special consideration should contact the Student Life Office. If sales personnel approach you, do not allow them to enter your room and inform your Hall Director immediately.
Street/Road Signs
Street/Road signs are considered the property of the respective government agencies where located and any inappropriate taking or possession by unauthorized individuals may result in judicial or legal action. Individuals possessing street/road signs may be requested to provide proof of ownership.
Syringe Disposal
All individuals using injection needles are required to properly dispose of them to prevent students, visitors and College staff members from accidental needle sticks and injury. This means placing needles in a red biohazard sharps container, available through Student Health Services upon request. Biohazard containers should be returned to Student Health Services for disposal: do not attempt to personally dispose of these items. Please contact Student Health Services, ext. 2376 for further information.
If a student finds any discarded needles, they should contact Campus Police immediately.
Trash dumpsters are provided outside each building for residents’ trash disposal. Personal trash left in the halls, laundry rooms, kitchens, or in the restrooms will be considered improper trash disposal and subject to disciplinary action. Personal trash must be deposited in the dumpsters, this includes PIZZA Boxes. Trash that is not disposed of properly will be searched to locate contents which can identify the owner, who may be charged a $25.00 per bag fine. Any trash, including food substances, not discarded inside the dumpster or receptacle is considered illegal dumping and is subject to criminal charges according to state law.
Tunnels/Crawl Spaces
Students are not allowed in tunnel or crawl space areas and should never attempt to access these areas.
Residents and their guests are responsible for knowing and observing the visitation hours established for the residence halls. Visitation hours are enforced for the safety of residents and for the consideration of roommates’ rights to privacy, studying, and sleep.
Visitation Hours in Residence Halls:
10:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Visitation by students in the same hall is permissible outside of regular visitation hours provided quiet hours are observed, noise is kept to a minimum, roommates have given permission for such visitation, and the visitation does not infringe on another student’s (roommate, suitemate, or any neighboring rooms) right to privacy, studying, and/or sleep. For information about overnight guests, see Guests and Quiet Hours.
Each resident reserves the right to choose their own guests. Residents may not force or coerce their roommate to claim guests.
Residents whose guests are found to be in violation of the visitation policy may be assessed a fine and be subject to disciplinary actions. Non-residents may be asked to leave if they are not complying with housing policies. Repeated violations may result in suspension of visitation privileges, larger fines, and/or more serious disciplinary actions.
Windows are not to be used as a room exit unless residents do so for emergency reasons. Window screens should not be removed. Residents will be charged for damages to screens and for the reinstallation of any removed screen. Throwing, hanging, or spitting objects from windows is prohibited. Excessive window coverings are not allowed (may include paper or foil). Windows should not be opened.