2024-2025 Student Guide & Residence Life Handbook 
    Dec 04, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Guide & Residence Life Handbook

Computer and Internet Resources



TexanConnect is available via the internet to all new and currently enrolled South Plains College students. TexanConnect is the resource from which students register for classes, view or print their class schedule, access payment options, view financial aid information, view final course grades or review unofficial transcripts. TexanConnect is accessed by successfully logging into MySPC. Some areas of TexanConnect may be inaccessible to students whose financial or academic records are not in good standing.

Computer Labs

Computer labs are available for student use at the following SPC locations:

Levelland Technology Center, Library

Lubbock Downtown Center - Success Center
Reese Center - Buildings 2, 5 and 8
Lubbock Career & Technical Center, Room 138
Plainview Center, Room 126 and 107


All students at South Plains College are assigned an SPC e-mail account (College Policy FX). Although personal e-mail addresses will continue to be collected, the assigned SPC e-mail account will be used as the official channel of communication for South Plains College. To access the SPC student e-mail account, login to outlook.office.com and enter your SPCusername @southplainscollege.edu and your SPC password. Additional info can be found here: https://helpdesk.southplainscollege.edu/


MySPC is a one-stop access point to South Plains College resources and services including TexanConnect and student e-mail. MySPC gives access to important announcements, news and events, college calendars, and a personal planner. Students gain access to MySPC and receive a username and password upon acceptance to South Plains College. All users of the College’s online learning management systems are responsible for maintaining the security of usernames and passwords. Access credentials may not be shared or given to anyone other than the user to whom they were assigned for any reason. To login to MySPC, visit https://myspc.southplainscollege.edu.

Internet and Hybrid Course Requirements

An Internet course is delivered via the Internet utilizing Blackboard and/or course web pages for delivery of 100% of course instruction. Instructors may require a student to attend meetings on campus, but this will be noted in the schedule. A “hybrid” course is one that a portion of the course’s learning activity has been moved online.

Internet access is required for all online and hybrid courses. Depending on the course taken, knowledge of particular computer software packages may be required. You should contact the instructor teaching the course directly for further information. Many instructors utilize advanced technologies such as Podcasting and streaming multimedia which requires broad- band connectivity.

Initial correspondence with the instructor for an online course is the student’s responsibility. This contact should take place by the first week of classes. Students are encouraged to email the instructor before the first day of class.

Textbooks for distance education courses taught by SPC instructors are available at the South Plains College Bookstores at Levelland and Reese Center. However if a student is enrolled in a distance education course and does not reside in proximity to the bookstore, books can be ordered online from the Levelland Bookstore at http://www.sp-levbookstore.com and from the Reese Bookstore at http://www. sp-reesebookstore.com. For more information about ordering textbooks, contact the SPC Bookstore in Levelland at (806)716-2399 or in Reese at (806)716-4610.

Online and hybrid courses require students to take a more participative role in fulfilling course requirements. The instructor will still designate the course outline and curriculum, but communication will be through email, discussion forums, chat rooms, links and information posted within Blackboard or the course web site.


Most Internet courses, as well as some content in face-to-face courses, utilize Blackboard for delivery of instruction. The Blackboard login web page is located at http://southplainscollege.blackboard.com. Blackboard technical support can be reached at (806)716-2180 or by email at blackboard@southplainscollege.edu.

Questions and Support

AskSPC - (806) 716-2600 or askspc@southplainscollege.edu

Blackboard - (806)716-2180 or blackboard@southplainscollege.edu

Computer Use Policy

South Plains College provides computer services to all students. The college seeks to make access to basic computing available to students who agree to college policies and who use equipment, facilities and systems responsibly. SPC strives to provide you with access to technology that will benefit you instructionally.

The priority for use of the lab computers is as follows:

            1. Academic use, research, class work, instructional assignments

            2. Other educational pursuits

            3. Educational games

            4. Personal interest

All computer users have the responsibility to use the SPC computer systems in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. The ethical and legal standards that are maintained are derived directly from the standards of common sense and common decency that apply to the use of any public resource within the college. Once users access the network and computer systems on that network, they are solely responsible for all actions taken while using the network and/or the Internet.


  1. Deletion, examination, copying, or modification of files and/or data belonging to the college is prohibited.
  2. Use of facilities and/or services for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  3. Attempts to evade or change resource quotas are prohibited.
  4. Continued impedance of other users through mass consumption of system resources, after receipt of a request to cease such activity, is prohibited.
  5. Any unauthorized, deliberate action which damages or disrupts a computing system, alters its normal performance,or causes it to malfunction is a violation.

There may be instances where a student may be offended by the material another student is accessing. Any student so offended should notify the lab supervisor or instructor of the situation. The lab supervisor will ask the offending person to remove the objectionable material from the screen and may be asked to leave the lab. Reckless display of obscene material on lab computers is a Class C misdemeanor under A7 43.22 of the Texas Penal Code. Offenders are subject to prosecution and a fine of up to $500 in addition to disciplinary action by South Plains College. Viewing and printing of inappropriate or pornographic material will result in forfeiture of all lab privileges. Lab supervisors will document and report all such incidents to the Dean of Students, the Dean of Lubbock Downtown Center, the Executive Director of Lubbock Career & Technical Center or the Director of the Plainview Center. Failure of any student to comply with the request of a lab supervisor or other staff member may result in disciplinary action that could lead to expulsion from the college or dismissal from a position, and/or legal action. In all computer labs, students should observe the following rules. No food or drinks are allowed in computer labs. You may not load any programs or software onto lab computers.