2024-2025 Student Guide & Residence Life Handbook 
    Sep 26, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Guide & Residence Life Handbook

Student Clubs and Organizations

South Plains College is committed to improving each student’s life by creating an environment that fosters growth academically and socially for all students.  Research shows (Schlossberg, 1989) that “mattering” - connecting with others and feeling that one’s presence in the community matters - is the foundation for learning.  The primary purpose of Student Clubs and Organizations is to support the mission of the Office of Student Life and, in turn, South Plains College by giving each student the opportunity to connect with others around a shared interest.  Clubs and Organizations accomplish many incredible things: they provide all students with many balanced and diverse intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and social experiences that encourage student learning, personal development, and responsible living as a member of the broader community. 

Formation of New Clubs

New student organizations may be formed as the need develops.  Official recognition as a Student Club or Organization is a privilege, and prospective clubs must meet and maintain certain requirements to be recognized. 

First, a petition for approval must first be submitted to the Director of Student Life on the Levelland Campus.  The petition must set forth: 

1. The objective of the organization (must be a genuine, shared student interest). 

2. Membership requirements. 

3. Proposed constitution. 

4. Signature of faculty sponsors (2 minimum). 

5. Signature of minimum of 10 petitioners. 


Next, the student leader and one advisor must meet with the Director of Student Life to review the petition and discuss next steps.  Final approval for new Student Clubs and Organizations is granted by the Student Government Association (SGA) General Assembly during the Petition Review.  A vote is held and status is granted upon an affirmative vote by a simple majority (50% + 1) of Senators and Club Representatives.  The General Assembly meets the last Tuesday of every month at 3pm in the Oil Room and on Microsoft Teams (time and location may change).  The General Assembly consists of the SGA Executive Board (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Historian), SGA Senators (2 from each SPC campus), and the Club Representatives.  Each club is required to send at least one representative to the SGA General Assembly each month as a voting member.  During the Petition Review, each currently active club gets one vote on matters outlined in the SGA Constitution.  Prospective clubs presenting their petition do not get a vote until their petition is approved and they are sworn in as representatives of the SGA.  Swearing in will take place at the subsequent General Assembly following club approval. 

After official club status is granted by the SGA: 
1. Clubs must hold a meeting with at least 10 members and vote to ratify their constitution. 
2. Advisors must attend Advisor Training (one in the fall and one in the spring, attend whichever comes first) 
3. Presidents must attend the presidents training session (one in the fall and one in the spring, attend whichever comes first). 
4. Send one member to the monthly General Assembly as an active, engaged participant. 


Clubs must also meet the following requirements to maintain their status as a Student Club: 
1. Host 3 club events per semester. 
2. Participate in 2 approved community service opportunities each semester (see Director of Student Life for approval or for the list of pre-approved opportunities). 
3. Work collaboratively with the Office of Student Life. 
4. Submit an Annual Report at the end of the year outlining club participation, event participation and outcomes, community service projects and student participation, fall transition plan, and other relevant information requested by the SGA / Director of Student Life. 

Handling of Club and Organizational Funds

SPC Clubs & Organizations are required to open an account through the South Plains College Business office. Deposits and withdrawals should be submitted to the Business Office by the club advisor. 

Club Sponsored Events

Official SPC Clubs & Organizations may sponsor and host events on the South Plains College campuses.  To sponsor or host an event, clubs and organizations must first gain preliminary approval from the point person of the campus the proposed event will be held: Director of Student Life for the Levelland Campus, the Director of the Plainview Center for Plainview, the Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center for Lubbock Downtown, the Director of the Reese Center for Reese, or the Executive Director of the Lubbock Career & Technical Center for Lubbock CTC.   

After preliminary approval is granted from the appropriate individual above, clubs must bring their event proposal to the Student Government General Assembly.  The General Assembly will review the events calendar to ensure the proposed event has no major conflicts and, after doing so, will hold a procedural vote to approve the proposed event.  All club events must be approved by the General Assembly.  This requires planning ahead and being prepared to meet before the General Assembly which meets once per month.  Any event that is not approved may lead to the club being placed on probation or losing its official status and privileges, including access to club funds. 

Student Use of Facilities

South Plains College facilities are intended primarily for the support of ongoing instructional programs of the institution. Secondary priority is given to programs sponsored and conducted by college instructional and administrative departments. Beyond these two priorities, use of campus space and facilities is permitted and encouraged for events and activities that serve or benefit the College campus community.

Permission to use campus facilities and space is granted by the Director of Student Life on the Levelland Campus, the Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center, the Executive Director of the Lubbock Career & Technology Center and the Director of the Plainview Center. The use of South Plains College facilities and space must adhere to college policies/ regulations, as well as local, state and federal law.

Posting and Distribution Guidelines

Before posting or distributing petitions, handbills, signs, or pieces of literature, the student, registered student organization, individual or group must submit a copy of the material to be distributed to one of the following for approval prior to posting, based on location:

Levelland Campus - Director of Student Life

Lubbock Downtown Center - Dean of the Lubbock Downtown Center

Reese Center - Director of the Reese Center

Lubbock Career & Technical Center - Executive Director of the Lubbock Career & Technical Center

Plainview Center - Director of the Plainview Center

The materials to be posted or distributed must comply with Policy FBAB.

POSTED MATERIALS SHOULD BE REMOVED BY THE STUDENT, Individual OR ORGANIZATION no later than 14 days after posting or, if it relates to an event, not longer than 24 hours after the event to which it relates has ended. At the time of removal, care should be taken not to litter the area around which the material was posted.

Active Clubs and Organizations

Club Name


Baptist Student Ministry (BSM)

Matt Berry

Behavioral Science Club

Dr. Julie Harris

Casual & Competetive Gaming Club

Josh Meredith

Catholic Student Ministries (CSM)

Cathie McMahan

Criminal Justice Club

John Barnes


Jacob Braddock

History vs. Hollywood Humanities Club

Christina Bearden-White

Illustration Club Delany Jackson
International Students Club Be Nelson

Intramural Sports

Dustin Wimmer

Juntos Somos Mas Sherley Rios

Phi Theta Kappa

Wendy Esch

Physical Therapy Assistant Student Association (PTASA)

Jackie Underwood

Science Club

Shawn Horn


Kara Donatelli

STAR Center Organization

Manuel Cedillo

Student Government Association

Josh Meredith

Student Moms Club Mollie Moore
Texan HYPE Josh Meredith

Texas Student Nursing Association

Jessica Williams

Webb Society

Cathie McMahan