ESOL 0301 - Grammar for Non-Native Speakers This course focuses on Standard American English grammar usage for academic purposes. Open only to nonnative speakers. Semester Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Pre-requisite: Placement in ESOL 0301 may be based on need and/or qualifying scores on the TSI writing test.
Qualifying TSI Writing Test Scores for Placement in ESOL 0301 - all three scores must be satisfied (1, 2, and 3):
(1) TSI Essay Score |
(2) TSI Writing Multiple Choice |
(3) TSI Writing ABE Score |
(1) Essay 3 |
(2) Multiple Choice 310 - 339 |
(3) ABE 1 - 3 |
(2) Essay 0 - 2 or no essay score |
(2) N/A |
(3) ABE 1 - 3 |
Note: This course will not satisfy graduation requirements but does satisfy TSI requirements for enrollment in a developmental writing course.
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