Offered at the Levelland Campus and Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center
This program is designed for students seeking comprehensive, integrated business knowledge. The curriculum provides for a selection of business courses that meet the trends, needs and expectation of the business community, as well as the goals and desires of the student. The flexibility of the program allows for the creation of a degree plan that can extend from general knowledge to a specified narrow concentration. Business areas include general business, marketing, management, merchandising, retailing, accounting, real estate and administrative support.
Students who successfully complete the business program curriculum receive an Associate of Applied Science degree. Students must complete a minimum of 65 semester hours to receive the A.A.S. degree in business. A minimum of 19 semester hours in designated courses is required for a specialty and must have departmental approval. The program also offers optional plans for a Certificate of Proficiency in general business and a Certificate of Proficiency in business management.
Students seeking to transfer into a baccalaureate program in business administration should follow the business administration curriculum option located in the Business Administration Department .
Due to the flexibility of the curriculum in this program, it is essential for students to meet with an advisor and complete a degree plan. Program advisors on the Levelland Campus are Cindy Brown, professor of business; Lauren Watkins, instructor in accounting; and Susan Mills, associate professor of office technology. Program advisors at the Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center in Lubbock are Jeannie Coggins, assistant professor of office technology; Pat Dennis, professor of office technology; Al Sechrist, professor of real estate; and Dr. Jim Wilhelm, professor of business administration.