Students majoring or minoring in music are encouraged to select a transfer college or university as early as possible in order that they might work toward satisfying the specific requirements of that institution before transferring.
Music majors must take lessons each semester in a selected concentration performance area. This concentration may be in voice, piano, or any instrument. (A student may choose jazz or classical guitar with the approval of a Fine Arts Department music faculty advisor.) A student will be expected to register every semester for a two (2) credit hour private lesson in his or her concentration area. The secondary performance area for all music majors will be piano. Any exception to this must be approved by the department chair. (Students concentrating in piano may choose any other instrument as a secondary performance area.) Students will register for a one (1) credit hour private lesson in their secondary performance area; however, students with limited background in piano may be enrolled in class piano during their first semester. Music advisors will determine the appropriate piano enrollment for each student.
All music majors must continue piano lessons until they pass a piano proficiency exam. This exam will include memorized pieces, scales, cadences, harmonization of a melody, and transposition. Students may expect to take a similar exam when transferring into a college or university music program.
Students may be asked to take an examination in the fundamentals of music to determine proper placement in music theory classes. Appropriate placement will be decided by the academic advisor in consultation with the theory instructor. Music majors will be expected to play a jury examination each semester in their area of concentration. A jury examination in a secondary area is left to the discretion of the instructor.
Music majors will be required to give a twenty minute recital during the second semester of their sophomore year.
The following curriculum meets all requirements for an Associate of Arts degree, and is the academic equivalent of the first two years of most baccalaureate programs in music. Program advisor is Bruce Keeling, chair of the Fine Arts Department.