Offered at the Levelland Campus, the Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center (Lubbock), and the Plainview Extension Center
The one-year office administration advanced certificate program provides additional training in accounting and spreadsheets software, business presentations, employee relations, and office procedures. Students will complete a capstone course that emphasizes administrative project solutions for business offices. All courses in this certificate may be applied to the Associate of Applied Science degree in Office Administration.
This is a TSI-waived certificate. Students declaring this major are not subject to the TSI regulations unless they enroll in a course outside the prescribed curriculum.
Program advisor on the Levelland Campus is Krisha Hoelscher, instructor in business. Program advisors at the Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center are Pat Dennis, professor of office administration and Jeannie Coggins, associate professor of office administration. The Plainview Extension Center advisor is Camille Lewis, counselor.