Jan 16, 2025
2024-2025 General Catalog
Return to: Suggested Transfer Guides and Certificate Programs
The following transfer guide prepares students for academic transfer to a university for completion of a baccalaureate degree in one of several engineering disciplines. The recommended courses meet the requirements for the Associate of Science degree.
Faculty advisors are Dr. Ramesh Krishnan, professor of engineering, Ms. Shirley Davis, associate professor of mathematics, Mr. Robert Plant, assistant professor of mathematics, Ms. Diane Eagle, assistant professor of mathematics, and Dr. Sheyleah Harris-Plant, professor of mathematics.
Suggested Transfer Guide
*See engineering advisor for the correct engineering elective. Engineering Electives - ENGR 1304 - Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301 - Statics
- ENGR 2302 - Dynamics (Spring Only)
- ENGR 2305 - Circuits (Spring Only)
**See engineering advisor for the proper course selection or scheduling.
Core Curriculum Incomplete - Articulation Agreement
Completion of this associate degree does not satisfy all of the Texas Core Curriculum requirements at South Plains College. Per Texas Administrative Code 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 2.53 , a college that has a signed articulation agreement with a General Academic Teaching Institution to transfer a specified curriculum may offer a specialized AA or AS (but not AAT) degree program that incorporates the currriculum. Please refer to the SPC to University Transfer Guides for information about the articulation agreement(s) associated with this program. https://www.southplainscollege.edu/universityguides Additional coursework will be necessary in order to be considered “Core Complete” for transfer to another Texas public institution. Please consult with your faculty advisor to identify the additional coursework required. |
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